Yes, I would like a detailed background one each member of the GB. The rank and file deserve to know.
So at least two of members converted ... Morris and Loesch. Do the two of them seem less extreme than the rest? More reasonable?
does anyone know if any of the current governing body members became a jw as an adult, or were all of them raised and bred a jw from childhood?.
i have a theory that the jws that are "born in" and stay in tend to be more extreme and less reasonable because that is all they have ever known, especially if they are sheltered and groomed to be a good little jw.. and i was just looking at what i could find about the newest and youngest member, mark sanderson.
he was born on february 4, 1965, and he was baptized on february 9, 1975 ... a few days shy of turning 10 years old!
Yes, I would like a detailed background one each member of the GB. The rank and file deserve to know.
So at least two of members converted ... Morris and Loesch. Do the two of them seem less extreme than the rest? More reasonable?
does anyone know if any of the current governing body members became a jw as an adult, or were all of them raised and bred a jw from childhood?.
i have a theory that the jws that are "born in" and stay in tend to be more extreme and less reasonable because that is all they have ever known, especially if they are sheltered and groomed to be a good little jw.. and i was just looking at what i could find about the newest and youngest member, mark sanderson.
he was born on february 4, 1965, and he was baptized on february 9, 1975 ... a few days shy of turning 10 years old!
Does anyone know if any of the current Governing Body members became a JW as an adult, or were all of them raised and bred a JW from childhood?
I have a theory that the JWs that are "born in" and stay in tend to be more extreme and less reasonable because that is all they have ever known, especially if they are sheltered and groomed to be a good little JW.
And I was just looking at what I could find about the newest and youngest member, Mark Sanderson. He was born on February 4, 1965, and he was baptized on February 9, 1975 ... a few days shy of turning 10 years old! It sounds like he was groomed from an early age to be a fanatic.
this may be the wrong area for this but here goes.. if you went to a bank and told them " i don't have an account with you, i never will have an account with you and i will tell people you are a terrible bank" then ask not for a loan from them, but a gift of a lot of money, how do you think they would respond?.
yet, witnesses now have the the ability to take blood fractions from the blood bank without ever contributing to the blood bank.
there is a process that the blood bank takes just the plasma from a donor to be used for fractions only.
The JW that gave the talk on fractions is my old local area didn't know fractions came from blood donations but assumed they were 'made in a lab'.
Haha! He was probably home-schooled. (My go-to line for any ignorant comment a JW makes.)
But seriously, this topic ranks up with the topic of education in that it makes me so steaming mad! I had a pretty heated conversation about this with my mother one time. I told her how incredibly hypocrital it is for Witnesses to permit blood fractions and medicines that are made from blood fractions,but they do not allow their members to donate. She didn't even know you could donate just plasma. Long story short ... I won the argument, but it didn't change her viewpoint on it. She just never brings it up anymore.
As an FYI to anyone to wants to share with their Witness families:
interesting podcast to listen to.
exjws go head to head with ex-mormons on which religion is weirder.
they had judges that determined who won..
I have to admit ... it's kind of hard to beat magic underwear on a scale of weirdness.
interesting podcast to listen to.
exjws go head to head with ex-mormons on which religion is weirder.
they had judges that determined who won..
The podcast is quite long to listen to ... so here is the gist of it. They had something like 17 categories. (It must have been 17 because the judges scores were like 11 to 6.)
They discussed each category and the differences in the two religions and then the judges would give a point to either the JWs or the Mormons for each category. It was quite clever.
Some of the categories were Nature or God, Nature of Jesus, Women, Sex, Education, Hell, End of Times, etc.
i am not much of a reader as i have two many distractions, but i fancy a challenging read, so please list any book that has changed your entire world view on everything.
i remember as a teenager buying at a yard sale, norman vincent peales " the power of positive thinking" and at the time that had a big impact on me.
but i am a little bit more in to " realistic positive thinking" now..
Crisis of Conscience!
I said it first! I said it first!
hey guys, i'm not able to check this site as often as i'd like with two small kiddos to run after.
just wondering if there has been any strongly worded wt study or direction recently about not associating or socializing with inactive jw family?
i'm not disfellowshipped but its almost like im getting the shunning treatment from my mom in the last 2 months.
It goes like that with my JW family, too. It ebbs and flows. Just be patient. It goes against their nature to shun you, so it won't last forever.
interesting podcast to listen to.
exjws go head to head with ex-mormons on which religion is weirder.
they had judges that determined who won..
Interesting podcast to listen to. ExJWs go head to head with Ex-Mormons on which religion is weirder. They had judges that determined who won.
SPOILER ALERT: We won! (Big surprise!). Even the ex-Mormons agreed!
one of the things i have been wresting with mentally is unraveling the "us vs. them" mentality that has been driven into my skull in the organization.. i am starting this thread seeking advice on how others have come to grip with this.. this is what i struggle with:.
i like the feeling/thought of being among people that live, or try to live, or at least know they ought to live by higher standards of conduct (maybe it is just what i'm used to...).
when you walk out of a convention of people dressed up, clean-cut, shaven, non-smoking, less-profanity-speaking, fairly orderly etc and see what greets you in the streets outside, it is a big contrast.. i am also still trying to understand how a religion that has conned people (so is morally wrong) could also be so well organized and have a lot of truly decent folks among their ranks.
The Witnesses see things exclusively as black and white. They view people as either good or bad. The truth is the world is a whole lot of gray. The more you are around other people of different religions and backgrounds, the more you see how good that people really are.
I have a group of really good friends that I hang out with. Every year we vacation together, too. 2 of us are democrats. 2 of us are republicans. All of us are different religions .. methodist, lutheran, baptist, and well ... me! And one of them has tattoos! (oh my!)
Just remember ... gray is good.
tl;dr: and jw library is not trademarked because the us patent office keeps refusing their application.
i don't think either will ever be trademarked, as their design currently stands.
jw rank & file can make all the cheap promotional crap they want and the watchtower can't do a thing about it (legally anyway.).
It's not exactly a scandal, but it is interesting.