an army of illusive irregular publishers
as asshole impacted with elders
a pathetic picture of paradise
english is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
an army of illusive irregular publishers
as asshole impacted with elders
a pathetic picture of paradise
someone asked for a second source on this, so i'm putting this out there to those who may have visited the new wt hq lately and know it to be true.
i had read from others on the ex-jw subreddit that had taken a tour recently at wt hq, that they had been shown photos of a mountain in china, and told that this is where all of the granite is being mined from and shipped over to new york to use at the site of the new wt hq.
apparently, it was cheaper for them to do this and have the local brothers in china mine it, then having to by tons upon tons of granite here in the usa, even wholesale.
I believe it is very possible for the Watchtower to buy their own quarry and harvest the granite themselves. They seem to have endless money, and are very predatory .... err resourceful using volunteer labor. This is a bit more complicated than making their own glue, which they have done for years, but it still falls within the realm of possible.
I do question how this was able to happen in China. I can't imagine them being able to do this under the Watchtower name. I imagine they would need to do business in China with a more auspicious name that has no connection to the Watchtower.
But, I imagine the "volunteer labor" is easy to come by in China. People are starving over there, and sending your young uneducated son that you can't afford to feed off to the Watchtower where they will take good care of him ... provide shelter and plenty to eat in exchange for work ... would seem like a great deal to them. Over there I don't think they would even see it as slave labor. They would just see it as a job.
I am anxious to hear confirmation of this and I hope someone can find out what name they are doing business under.
l know l would.anyone that says no is kidding themselves.just imagine going up to the hole of a cobra and patting it on the head like a pet.or running like a deer through the woods.who knows we might grows wings and be able to fly as for thought.
No. Because if it's real, it must mean that only Jehovah's Witnesses will be here and I could never live on Earth with only those people.
Besides, it defies nature. Name one thing in the Universe that lives forever. Everything dies. It's how we were made (or created).
i think its vitally important to realized that the wts now has as of this year probably close to 2 billion in overall assets worldwide that it can live off for a very long time.
i get this gut feeling that the wts heads are positioning themselves and the organization in tentative survival mode for the long run.. so many cut backs, the selling off of many branches, the down sizing of much of its operations, are all tell tale hints that even the heads of this organization are preparing for the eventful devolving of this organization.
the wts gb leaders say that jah's chariot is moving along at a faster pace but in reflection of how this organization been conducting itself as of late, that wouldn't necessarily be the real truth of the matter.
Are all members poor and uneducated?????????
Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally. Hyperboles are exaggerations to create emphasis or effect.
download this summary of the watch tower society and its 607/1914 debacle and view it on a (16:9) computer screen..
i think its vitally important to realized that the wts now has as of this year probably close to 2 billion in overall assets worldwide that it can live off for a very long time.
i get this gut feeling that the wts heads are positioning themselves and the organization in tentative survival mode for the long run.. so many cut backs, the selling off of many branches, the down sizing of much of its operations, are all tell tale hints that even the heads of this organization are preparing for the eventful devolving of this organization.
the wts gb leaders say that jah's chariot is moving along at a faster pace but in reflection of how this organization been conducting itself as of late, that wouldn't necessarily be the real truth of the matter.
the organization must settle all outstanding liabilities and distribute any leftover funds according to the provision set in its charter.
First of all ... this will never happen. But if it did, who would they distribute money to? Would they allowed to "distribute" it to another country or would it stay here in the US? They certainly would't give it back to it's members.
It still makes me sad they try eek so much money out of their members when their members are all poor and uneducated.
hi if 50 million articles cost 1 cent to publish how much would that be in total ?
this is "coolio ft. l.v - gangsta's paradise (official music video)" on youtube
it the question that i have found myself constantly asking myself the past few months.
out of all the jws i interact with, why did it have to be me that woke up from this mess?.
i am relieved that i have woken up to the bullshit, but a side of me misses that fuzzy feeling of being a 100% believer.