It doesn't make sense because none of it is true.
ALL living things were meant to procreate, live a certain life span, deteriorate and die. It's the whole Lion King circle of life thing.
I never understood why when Adam and Eve supposedly sinned by eating an apple and Jehoho took away their perfect and never ending life for it (talk about over-reacting, Dad!), that he in turn decided to impose the same sentence on every living creature and thing that ever existed. It's kind of ridiculous when you think about it.
There is not one single thing in the entire Universe that lasts forever, and there never has been. Not a star, not a planet, not a tree, not a creature, or human.
And personally, there is nothing scarier to me than an entire planet full to the brim with Jehovah's Witnesses who can't have sex. Let's see them dance and sing the Happy song, then.