I had three that I remember.
1. I have not had good experiences with Elders. My dad was one, to begin with, and the rest of the elders in the congregation we grew up in were no better. Fast forward to when I was around 20 or 21. I am sitting in the Kingdom Hall and they announce from the stage that my brother in law had been appointed an elder. I balled like a baby. Everyone there thought they were tears of joy, except my family knew better. I loved my brother in law and I knew it would ruin him. I begged him to not let it harden his heart, or let the power go to his head. He is still a good guy from what I can tell, but since I am not in the borg anymore, I have no idea how he is as an elder.
2. The last district convention I ever attended. The bible drama was about how when Moses went into the mountains, they built a god out of gold and Aaron disobeyed Moses, so the Earth opened up and swallowed Aaron. And just Aaron, we need to listen and obey what God's organization has to say or we will end up like Aaron. I left and cried. I knew I could never go back to any meeting or anything again, and I didn't.
3. When I told my mother I will not be a witness anymore. She told that Jehovah would destroy me and she stopped talking to me. I cried. Really hard. I was in my early 20s, which to me now, seems like a baby. I actually cried for months. I thought the shunning would be forever, but it only 6 months. Since I was never disfellowshipped, I guess she realized she could have something to do with me if she wanted. And she really did! She was hurting herself by trying to give me the silent treatment.