Cold Steel: Matter lasts forever, and though it can change, it can't be annihilated.
I think you are thinking of energy, which again goes back to the whole circle of life thing.
"The first law of thermodynamics doesn't actually specify that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but instead that the total amount of energy in a closed system cannot be created nor destroyed (though it can be changed from one form to another). It was after nuclear physics told us that mass and energy are essentially equivalent - this is what Einstein meant when he wrote E= mc^2 - that we realized the 1st law of thermodynamics also applied to mass. Mass became another form of energy that had to be included in a thorough thermodynamic treatment of a system."
Cold Steel: Well, the verdict isn't in regarding whether the WTS is the sole purveyor and arbiter of truth in the earth.Ummm ...yeah, actually the verdict IS in. I can unequivocally guarantee you that the WTS is NOT "the sole purveyor and arbiter of truth in the earth."
Cold Steel: We only see through a dark, murky glass the things that will be, but they are said to be far beyond the understanding of man.
Not really. Science has come a long way. While there are still things yet to be discovered, I think things are pretty clear. It's the bible and religion that murk things up.