You've stated the changes so well:
Preaching is looking at the cellphone and listening to clips. Those clips are so silly, I have no idea what's so special or complex about them that they cannot summarize in their own words. Why would someone listen to a stranger explain why Bible reading is important to them when the JW at the door can provide their own experience? It is baffling to say the least.
... The lessons are so elementary, they're grade 3 level. The dumbing down is unbelieveable.
How like Jesus and the apostles preached and taught!
They are all dumb from the top on down now. Likely they have been trained to just repeat the pabulum given them because the GB are afraid of letting anyone think on their own, and that stems from the internet info and the dissemination of sites like JWD. The result is millions of zombies.
When are you going to drop the bomb that you DAed yourself? Surely they will instantly flee.