VH7, thanks for the chart. There's nothing like visual aids to make a point. From what data I have seen, it looks like attendance is definitely down with a heavy portion of the remaining attendees being publishers over 50 years old. That's not a healthy sign for any future growth, however one may slice it.
I'm curious about where you got the 65% stat. I remember 30+ years ago when I was in, the CO told the elders (NOT in a cong meeting, but just with the "appointed men") that 90% of the Witness youth are leaving. I also remember thinking to myself, "That sounds about right." I thought so simply from my own experience in Witnessland.
So if that percentage is now 65, then that is a significant uptick of retainment among those raised in. Where did you get that 65% number? Some leaked org video? Some published stat?