So they propose the Stick your Head In The Sand policy? Awesome!
JoinedPosts by Spectre
Dec.2013 Awake "Can you Trust The News Media?
by jam in1)media moguls (a samll but powerful number of corporations.
own primary media outlets, corporations are desesigned fro profit).. 2)governments (gov.
want to convince the public to support their.
Jesus washing feet in underwear or naked?
by John_Mann injohn 13:4,5. got up from the evening meal and laid aside his outer garments.
and taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist.. after that he put water into a basin and started to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel that was wrapped around him.. .
the wt "translates" himatia as outer garments but some other translations says just clothes.. if he were wearing just an underwear, why wrap a towel around the waist?
Yeah, guys had to walking around in the buff all the time back in the day. I mean, why else would circumcision be so important?
Graphic comment on last week's book study.
by Slidin Fast ini offer this with out further comment:.
12 the mosaic law made it a capital offense to profane gods name.
(leviticus 24:16).
What a loving provision from jehovah!
A conversation with my JW mother ...
by Bella15 inso, due to recent deaths in the family i have been talking with my mom lately.
i try to say something here and there to make her go hmmmm ... so she made a comment about the millions now living will never die ...i said " wasn't that said about the 1914 generation, and we know how that went", meaning will not come true.
she thinks for a moment and said...yeah there's something new writtten somewhere in one of the magazines, but she went hmmm for a split of a second there
The religion is so god damned depressing yet they are constantly told how happy they should be. This makes them think something is wrong with them. I too have seen them try all sorts of kooky things in an attempt to "fix" themselves.
The best one I heard was getting a diagnosis over the phone while the "doctor" used a surrogate person where he was.
Detroit DC is NOT filling up? Please book a hotel room!! -letter
by ?me? inwe have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
Happyfying indeed!
Is the Governing Body trolling us?
by kneehighmiah ini'm starting to believe the bethel higher ups are trolling us.
the outright contradictions and stuff like overlapping generation is too ridiculous.
calling out the harold camping when we did the same thing.
I would say they're trolls but I think it's more accurate to say it's a dying cult that'll do or say anything to keep the wheels turning.
Special Assembly Day - tepid applause
by sir82 injust got back from a recent sad.. after most talks, the applause was, at most, tepid.. it was striking in its tepidity, if that is possible (and if that is a word).. affter most talks, applause lasted literally no more than 5 seconds.
its volume was scarcely above a whisper.. it wasn't acoustics - the bethel speaker was technically a polished speaker (although presenting the same old boring info), and his talks generated noticeably louder applause.
but even still - that applause was maybe 10 seconds, and about normal-conversation level.. but local speakers - the applause was not much more loud than the hum coming from your refrigerator.. there were 1300+ people there.. it was just so weird - my previous large-group experience was at the agm, where people were nearly apoplectic & drooling with delight over their new "silver bibles" (which very few have read, i'd wager).. these guys were just "zombified".. speaking of bibles - bethel dude called it a "platinum bible".
Maybe we missed the message that golf clapping is now the appropriate responce.
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Let me ask you this, Billy: What difference does it make now?
I think I read that you are no longer a witness. Are still trying to adhere to the belief that that 1914 was a pivitol year in human history? Why and to what end? It has been a 100 years now. Do you believe in the current WT generation definition?
Jehovah is the correct uttering of God's name
by mistified ini heard my witness friend that if the name jehovah is the incorrect pronounciation from the hebrew scriptures, then jeremiah is the incorrect way to say jeremiah's name.
i wonder if this is true, because if it is, that would make jws the true religion.
Remember, In the latin alphabet, Jehovah begins with an I.
~best said in a Sean Connery voice~
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
I like how he says we need new light from the old standards of disproving 607 b.c.e.
Sorry, facts are facts, Bro.
Billy, at least you should just say that its a complicated biblical thing or god testing us or something and shove that cognitive dissonance deeper.