JoinedPosts by wizzstick
Comfort for the Brokenhearted facebook page
by Pete Zahut ini think the jw comfort for the brokenhearted facebook page needs a few more well placed comments from the other side.
i see that a lot of jw's i know have friended this site.. the poem below is one of their offerings.. .
Will Child Molestation Lawsuits Against The Watchtower Corporation Make It Claim Bankruptcy?
by frankiespeakin inwe all know sales are dropping in money recieved from printing literature and that it must have been a money drain for quite some time now at least from the time they went to a completely free literature offer to avoid paying ceaser's things to ceaser, so that now the next big finacial move is thru real estate flipping and capitalizing of the jw work force thru slave labor working conditions.. could these lawsuits bring them to the breaking point finacially i know there are a lot of nay sayers among us, but what say you and what is your gut feeling on this one?.
Whilst it is unlikely to bankrupt them, it does depend on:
a) How many child abuse victims there are
b) How many come forward and sue
If there were 1,000s that came forward, and were awarded Candace Conti type pay outs, then yes it could do. Lets say 1,000 cases get awarded $10M each. Then that's $10BN.
I don't think the WT has that much stashed to one side.
On a Scale of 1 to 10---How Devoted Were You To Being One of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inas i grew up in the religion, i was a 10. i wanted to be made a "servant" because that was instilled in me from infancy.
i diligently studied ever piece of watchtower literature and defended my religion intensely.. when i got into my 30's, i started to see little cracks in the watchtower's surface but decided to "wait on jehovah".
then i started to research a little more critically and realized i couldn't defend the prophecies, the treatment of people and the hypocrisy that was becoming more obvious, that especially an elder can see.. it was a gradual thing---from a 10 to a zero!.
In the 80s as a teenager - 10
In the 90s as an reg aux pioneer - 10
In the 00s post Bethel - 4
2010 overlapping nonsense - 2
2013 - 0 (wife and I fade)
Did JWN Discredit "JehovahIsJudgeUk" website?
by RottenRiley inthey use poor reasoning, they wiggle around the question and ignore the fact the watchtower was affiliated with the united nations.
this website fails to ignore the facts that we were not allowed to join the ymca even though we did not follow the charter rules, the watchtower agreed to follow the un charter and did so from 1992 to 2001 when the scandal was exposed.. .
have any of you seen works to debunk their slanted arguments and dishonest play of words?.
Thank-you Angharad.
Normality is restored!
Reminder: Hate speech on this forum is NOT tolerated
by Simon insome of the comments on the anthony morris topics have been despicable.. if someone is an idiot or a biggot then they are damaging themselves.. if 'we' start posting vile filth, insults and threats then it doesn't convince anyone other than we're probably as bad..
Could someone ban billythekid46 please?
Accusing people of being a pedophile is utterly disgusting.
Here we go again. Dan 4 and 1914
by leaving_quietly inwtbts published a new article on jw.org (http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/daniel-4-bible-chronology-1914/) entitled "what does bible chronology indicate about the year 1914?
" in it, it points to daniel 4 as the prophecy and uses the same leaps of insane logic to get from the first and only fulfillment of that prophecy to 1914, using 607 as the starting point and 2,520 years as doubling the 1,260 years in revelation.
of course, there is no accounting for the difference in our solar years and the bible's lunar years, which makes the math have a very different outcome.
Historically we can get the 607 archeological sequences in
Rubbish. Utter lie.
You can no longer disprove 607.
Sorry that should read: No one could ever prove 607.
Perhaps you intelligent people like besty can get a theologian with a degree in history, bribe that person, it shouldn’t cost more than 2 million and have that person discredit the entire historical community about the Babylonian chronicles VAT 4956, BM 22047, BM 21946, or how the bible talks about the desolation of the land of Judea or just Jerusalem is unsubstantiated double talk by junior theologians.
Could we have that in English? None of the above makes any sense.
two overlapping generations of anointed blah blah blah question
by SnailsPace2 ini read the watchtower article on this "new light.
" has any information on how "this generation" turned into two overlapping generations of only anointed people been printed?
the word "evidence" was thrown around a lot in the article, but none was provided unless something has been printed since then and i have missed it.
They may try and use Exodus 1:6 but actually the Bible doesn't help them. Genesis 50:22-26 says (emphasis mine):
22 And Joseph continued to dwell in Egypt, he and the household of his father, and Joseph lived for 110 years. 23 Joseph saw the third generation of E′phra·im’s sons, also the sons of Ma′chir, Ma·nas′seh’s son. They were born upon Joseph’s knees. 24 At length Joseph said to his brothers: “I am dying, but God will without fail turn his attention to you, and he will certainly bring you up out of this land to the land about which he swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” 25 So Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying: “God will without fail turn his attention to you. You must take my bones up out of here.”26 And Joseph died at the age of 110, and they had him embalmed, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.
So what do we see?
a) Joseph was still alive when people were living for much longer (the dwelling for 70-80 years hadn't kicked in apparantly) so the WT are making a comparison to a time when people lived longer.
b) Joseph saw the third generation of his son, Ephraim, son's. So that's actually 4 generations that overlap across a 110 year period. Not 1 generation made up two overlapping groups over 100 years...
The WT must hate the Bible when it doesn't support their fantasy doctrines.
1914 - "A Turning Point In History"?
by Bobcat inthe february 2014 public wt has a cover series of articles dealing with world war i, and by inference 1914. the articles describe wwi as 'causing the world to be changed' and as "a turning point in history.".
setting the wt's defective 1914 chronology aside for a minute, how do these statements about wwi coincide with the view of the nt?.
certainly wwi was a big war.
Tunguska = Satan falling to the Earth?
Oh come on - that's nuttier that the Witnesses. It was likely a meteor as the most recent study (done after your video) suggests:
Come on - you can't believe that!
This made my day...
by LivingTheDream ini have been collecting and reading ex-jw books these last few years.
i love 'em all, just out of pure solidarity.. i went to order the fourth edition updated version of crisis of consciense for my collection (best book ever!
) and when amazon.com listed the best sellers of jehovah's witness books, this is what came up (see below).. needless to say, it tickled me pink.... brock talon .
Well deserved Brock!
What science has left UNTAUGHT!
by abiather inwhen one goes deep into the science, there are things that suggest the existence of immortal soul or a caring supreme soul.
hence, the question is not about lack of proofs, but is all about whether one is willing to accept or not (mathew 11:14).
let us take some samples:.
We're (mostly) ex-JW's, so pretty much stocked up on the crazy stuff thanks.
No more needed!
Bye bye.