PMJ... it's not about particular churches. To be saved, which is what matters, you do not need to belong to a certain church or organization. God saves individuals, not organizations or churches. All of the people that are saved make up HIS CHURCH... but they can belong to different earthly churches here. It is about the INDIVIDUAL. Jesus Christ can save anyone that calls on Him and has faith in His sacrifice on the cross for us. Nowhere does your Bible, or anyone else's, imply that you need to be part of a specific organization... if you believe and have faith in Him, you are part of His church.
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 There aren't any "if you belong to the Baptists" or "if you belong to the Watchtower" or anything involved with that. CONFESS AND BELIEVE! That's it.
PMJ... do the elders know you're here? What would the GB think of you being at an apostate site? You obviously don't take them seriously enough. I was just reading a new article in either one of the March Watchtowers, or maybe the March Awake, about how true Christians avoid the Internet and video games... and I'm sure the WTS especially condemns going to "apostate sites." So do the elders know? Or are you an elder breaking your own rules?