the nurse told me that I was very good at holding my breath
Maybe from the practice of holding it while waiting for Armageddon?
the nurse told me that I was very good at holding my breath
Maybe from the practice of holding it while waiting for Armageddon?
"Wow, you're really losing a lot of weight." Love it!
i haven't changed or added anything on mine for about a year.
so it's the car dealership tag, mario from super mario bros., 7 savings cards for grocery stores and the gym id tag.
Keys and two pics of my grandsons. Their school pictures could be made into bookmarks or keychain 'thingys'. What a cool idea!
i was just curious about this question.
when i was a jw i remember a young baptized sister that got pregnant and she was unmarried.
i was waiting for the elders to either disfellowship her or reprove her but nothing happened to her.
My daughter got pregnant at 19 and was DFd. There was an elder's daughter in the same congregation that got pregnant at the same time; they had grown up together. The elder's daughter was not DFd because she was a little slow, mentally. Funny, she attended classes with my daughter all through school. She never did seem like the sharpest crayon in the box, but she knew right from wrong. I remember running into her in the store shortly after my daughter was DFd and she made quite the show out of how sorry she felt for me because my daughter had been DFd. Somehow the little smirk on her face when she said it made me want to punch her!
Yeah, we've all seen the partiality and double-standards for elders' families at one time or another. Hypocites!
i'm rather conflicted on this.
what do you guys think?
does this qualify as psychological abuse?
Wow, I saw the subject of this post several times before I opened it. I thought for sure it was going to be about a JW Mom making her child stand on the street corners with the ragazines.
never thought i'd do a thing like this.
it started with a search for a spooky avtar for this forum, so i downloaded a photo from the "10 most wanted criminals" fbi site.
Wow, that is awesome!
Work, taking care of important business first!
i just have to vent.
we got an email from the owner of the company a couple of hours ago that said: .
this afternoon, our priest from our church will be on premises to extend a blessing of our facilities.
I just have to vent. We got an email from the owner of the company a couple of hours ago that said:
This afternoon, our Priest from our Church will be on premises to extend a Blessing of our facilities. You may or may not be aware of Fr. Hebda presence. There is no requirement from anyone, but perhaps you may see us walking throughout the premises.
So the owner drives up a little while ago with his priest and they go to the upstairs level of the building that has a balcony that overlooks the rest of the work space. Next thing you know, this priest starts giving his blessing/prayer very loudly so all can hear. It lasted at least 10-15 minutes. I had some business to take care of with a fellow employee who happens to be JW and when I went over to her, she was sitting there plugging her ears so she didn't have to listen. I made her pay attention to our work at hand and take her fingers from her ears so I'm sure she felt like she was going to be struck by lightning. I didn't know if it was rude to talk/work while this was going on, but I was absolutely livid that this was going on at work. From what I understand, since it is a small, family owned business it is legal to do something like this. That may be so, but I thought it was in extremely poor taste and my blood pressure jacked up so high it almost blew off the top of my head!
gawd, i forgot how immersed jw's are.
everything you see has some part of the wts involved with it, from the calendar on the fridge to the pictures on the walls, you can't get away from it.
of course i love my brother to death, but i tell ya, i've only been here overnight and it's already getting to me.
the one that comes to mind was a picture with the scripture from Joshua "as for me and my household we shall serve Jehovah".
We had a plaque in our house for years that had this scripture on it. I was just thinking about it the other day. I think it may be in my husband's office but it should now say 'as for me, I'm the only one still serving Jehovah'. I'm sure it must make him very sad if he ever even looks at it anymore.
if the answer is "yes," please explain why.
(i don't think this question needs explaining - i think you all know what i'm talking about.
No way in hell I want to believe their lies again but......I'd like to have something to believe in. I just don't know what I believe now and my head just won't let me go there right now, if ever.