Yes... I used to "think" about one particular elder's wife during many a long dull meeting.
I 'think' that counts.
we, as elders, would every so often give a little talk about keeping the congregation clean and that if anyone felt the need to talk to us, to get whatever is bothering them off their chest, we would be readily available to them.
you'd be shocked to see how many would tell us some naughty things they were feeling guilty about.. i'm sure there were plenty of smart people who simply kept quiet and didn't say a word.. here's your opportunity to tell us what you wouldn't tell them..
Yes... I used to "think" about one particular elder's wife during many a long dull meeting.
I 'think' that counts.
hi...i have come across the jw text that says that "the word was a god" john 1:1...who is that "god"?
another god?
is him jesus?...
Hey... thought I'd just chip in with my answer to the question... "is jesus a god?"
Nope, he isn't. Jesus is some dead guy, and, 'a god' is some fictional big brother character made up by superstitious folk.
Glad I could clear that up... :o\
im 19 and im still going to meetings.ive been sort of unhappy for a older sister left the truth about 9 or 10 years brother was on her heels a couple of years later.ive been told that they were weak,selfish,posessed and drug addicts.i knew this wasnt true,they were both brilliant and caring of me.i havent spoken to them in at least 3 years.alot of gossip still circulates about them,especially sarah.she intimidated everybody and i suppose this is how they feel superior.. im rambling, just overwhelmed.i ran into sarah at a walmart and she was radiant.i chatted her ear off for an hour and she hugged me when i cried.i told her i wanted out,that i know something isnt right but i m so scared.she suggested some of teh online groups to help.i guess she went to thomschat but thats not there anymore.she said my struggle would be different than hers because she never believed in the witnesses.i did.any advice or books to read or whatever you suggest,i just want to learn.she said crisis of conscience would probably help.okay thanks..
Hi Firefox... Welcome to the forum - you're not alone. I remember sitting in meetings, looking around at the folks around me thinking 'am I the only one that thinks this stuff is a bit far fetched?'. It turns out I wasn't; there's plenty of us! If you're worried about anything, just post - far cleverer people than I will answer pretty much any questions and offer great advice. Think of the forum as your secret "wonderwall". Nice to hear from you.
that's right guys.
as i told you before, they boe have been considering me for the eldership.
which i don't care for, but since my family is stuck in this cult, i guess i can use the new position to help them see that the holy spirit has nothing to do with me being an elder.
Well I've not posted for a while... ages in fact... I've been off educating myself at uni - it's tough to do it with a partner, two kids and full time job. If you do anything as an elder (qualified or not) - encourage the children to consider college and university. - encourage parents and children to wait before getting dunked, perhaps saying "would you allow your son/daughter to make any other adult decision at age 12 like getting married?" - support those people who are there just to hang on to their families... it's a struggle. - etc... etc... Well that's my opinion, good luck with it all.
when i call my mother she says she can't talk to me because i am dfed.. i asked her to help me and my pregnant wife move and she said "i don't think i can do that"... whos not allowing her to do it?.
she always calls me if her car or her computer breaks.. she called me today because her computer broke.
so.... i turned the tables on her.
As my parents always told me, two wrongs don't make a right. Fix the computer. Maybe one day things will change - I'd prefer to be on the best footing possible. A lot of JWs use the rules as an excuse, this looks to be the case here! Just because my parents are JW's doesn't mean I'm going to act like one. My love for my parents is unconditional.
from someone who attended:.
there was a big elders meeting in columbia sc on saturday june 9.. around 240 congregations, 2000+ elders.. the society wants to build a brand new assembly hall in columbia, sc, to handle the huge influx of jws moving to the us southeast from up north.. they expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by april 2010).
total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.. they want to have the whole thing paid for by the time the building is done - no long term loans.. they "strongly suggested" that each of the 240 congregations commit to supporting "their share" of the expense.
I know this is slightly off topic... but when the GB insure all their real estate, do you think they laugh or cry when they read the section about 'not being covered for "acts of god"'? I suspect the former.
I don't remember Jesus saying to his crew, "Come chaps dig deep, I need an assembly hall! What!? Do you expect me to give a sermon on a mount or something!? Bloody cheap skates!!!".
i forwarded the link to the uk jw donation site to my father a couple days ago as for me, it was christendom at its best - give me cash even when you don't have it.
he probably wouldn't be a jw if it wasn't for her and i am hesitant to say too much to him because of her.
she is a loyal (even though they had to get df'd to get married) .
Hi Sparrow... sounds to me that your father isn't exactly as true believer! Which is good news.
Perhaps there's a better way of putting the problem to your father. There may not be a better organisation in his eyes, but there maybe 'other' organisations that would benefit more from his devotion, time and money. If he spent his time working for a charity, contributing to a charity and believing he could make a difference; surely more good would come from that?
Maybe if you took the lead you could involve him. Find a charity, humanist organisation, skills bank, etc.. etc.. and enjoy making a real difference in the world rather than 'waiting for an absent god'.
Whatever happens, good luck with it.
some of you have encouraged me already in the week or so i've been here and i think you.. here's the situation.
i am single.
i am 34 years old.
Do you get BlackAdder in Canada? Perhaps you could try to emulate Captain Blackadder's efforts to avoid 'going over the top' during the war... It's a simple plan; basically it involves putting two straws up your nose and wearing your pants on your head - perhaps accompanied by various chicken clucking noises. Not only will you be discouraged from attending meetings, you'll be pardoned (rather than shunned) on the basis that you've gone stark raving bonkers.
Obviously, if people realise you're "working your ticket" you're in trouble...
On a more serious note... I don't say this to be mean... but do not assume you have 'any' friends in the truth. You'll be amazed how your 'witness friends' turn out to be anything but 'friendly' once you're on the outside.
Basically, if you're going through anything like the same feelings as I did, you'll be feeling like you're about to step off a very large cliff. There's no safety rope, no parachute... and no obvious bottom to the pit. 14 years after stepping off, nothing's changed... but I've learned to enjoy the free fall!
Good luck...
PS. If the straws don't work, try a marrow up your bottom.
when i left the witnesses, a person from work gave me a video about the witnesses that his church uses.
i thought it would be interesting, so i set down and watched it.
what i found was another example of one church taking about another, to then counter with points that support their way of thinking.
Hey bigmouth... yeah I used to jump to correct people when they said something dumb about the borg too. I never really understood why, I assume some lasting sense of loyality to the collective. It seems time has cured me though! Now I very rarely correct peoples view about the borg, after you "don't" for a while it becomes almost liberating.
Try even adding to the lies and exageration! It can be fun!
They say "Yeah, Jehovah's don't believe Christmas", you say "I know, mind you they aren't even allowed to watch TV!".
They say "Wow, Dubs aren't allowed blood transfusions", you say "Really? I think I heard they can't eat crisps/chips".
Perhps... "Don't Jehovah's have to knock on doors and stuff?", you say "Yep! If they don't shift 10 mags they're not allow sex for a week!"
any info.......or has the wts foresworn any forms of digital communication?
I always assumed it was all done with the holy spirit?