Isn't it weird... we all had 'counselling' when we didn't want it or need it in the borg. But, then when we 'fade' or 'pop' out... we're left wondering what the 'holy hell' is going on, usually without a clue where to start!
I was counselled for many things... but I suppose my best memory of being 'ticked off by the elders' was for fiddling with the central heating controls in the KH (I was about 16yo at the time)... having popped out for a much needed toilet break - I noticed the heating control unit on the wall.... turned it up to 35c and whacked the 1 hour boost button. It was summer. I told them I thought it was a light switch :o\
Oh, I also pinned up a politcal party flyer on the notice board for a laugh... that didn't go down well either. Obvisouly the elders aren't Labour supporters ?!