@ OrphanCrow
All's well thanks... good luck with the anger management course ;o)
{Rolls eyes}
the internet is the archive for civilization.. watchtower cannot hide it's history.. are we seeing the beginning of a mass exodus out of her?.
@ OrphanCrow
All's well thanks... good luck with the anger management course ;o)
{Rolls eyes}
when his children want to construct a tower that reaches to the heavens, heavenly father is unlikely to respond, saying: nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.
(gen 11:6, 7).
Please excuse the source.. .but thought it would be interesting!
the internet is the archive for civilization.. watchtower cannot hide it's history.. are we seeing the beginning of a mass exodus out of her?.
Funny, I read all the same posts as 'wakeupbuttercup' but do not see any 'anger', 'sorrow' or 'hatred' in OrphanCrow. However I can potentially see someone getting quite annoyed by someone making such assumptions... perhaps it would be better just to ask someone if they are angry?
OrphanCrow are you angry?
our governing body, who art in brooklyn, .
upon whom our dollar bills do rain.
and new light come.
I remember as a young lad laughing out loud when a 'cool' brother said before we tucked into a sandwich, "oh, we must say a prayer... rub a jay dub, thanks for the grub, amen"
when i understood, jws are wrong in some vital areas [eg.
woman being viewed secondary, refusal to greet those differing with them ....], but right in other vital areas [such as their teaching that human rule is doomed, and will be replaced by gods rule], i began a diligent search for the right organization.
my search ended with brahmakumaris.
Sounds like woo-woo, looks like woo-woo, smells like woo-woo... probably is woo-woo.
IMHO I think the search should continue.
if getting ready means putting on a suit........ you might be a j.w.. if going out to the field has nothing to do with grass, baseball diamonds, or football ......... you might be a j.w.. please continue my friends.......i know ya got some.....; ).
If you can sleep with your eyes open... you might be a JW.
If you can look up scriptures whilst sleeping with your eyes open.... you might be a JW MS.
If you can answer WT questions, look up scriptures whilst sleeping with your eyes open.... you might be a JW Elder.
If you can go on field service, answer WT questions, look up scriptures whilst sleeping with your eyes open.... you might be a JW CO.
If you are always sleeping with your eyes open... you might be a JW GB member.
If you are awake... chances are you are an apostate.
i wanted to start a thread with correct explanations of what witnesses really mean when they say stuff... please add to it!.
"we missed you at the last meeting" = "where were you?
why did you miss a meeting!?".
Expression: "You have to wait on Jehovah".
Translation: "You have made a very good point that I cannot answer from the WT and\or all the WT material is clearly hogwash"
Expression: "Now you have moved out I won't speak to you again until you come back to the truth"
Translation: "I wont speak to you again, oh, unless I need something"
jehovah's witnesses believe that god sent humans to write the bible because his servants can relate better to humans since they are humans.
i heard that at a meeting two weeks ago.
it does not make sense to me at all but i do not know how to explain it.
I think if Big J is real he is somewhat akin to Q from Star Trek. Perhaps he just has a warped sense of humour.
so i decided to sign up after many years of lurking.
started researching after finding out about ray franz, which inevitably brought me to this site.. i'm still well and truly inn, but don't want to give any information out, i'm sure you guys know the reasons.. since "jay double you .
org" came online, there has been a definite sense of hysteria with everyone who is "inn", and i get a feeling it's going to get a whole lot crazier as the years press on.. one point i would like to raise is that i feel, without a doubt, that 2034 is going to be the new finish line.
Welcome Campaign of Hate!
I love all those that are 'in' and report back to the forum... we all like to be kept abreast of 'developments'.
It was interesting to hear about the role jw.borg is playing, it seems to have revitalised some and made others more skeptical. I think many are wondering 'what happened?' the religion they joined all those years ago, compared to the 'high octane' version bursting through the internets.
I look forward to your next posts.
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
It seems to me the con's out way the pro's. It would be disingenuous to say the forum needs a 'flag', the forum seems to have scraped by without one so far. If it upsets even a few members why bother?
I think perhaps of all the reasons mentioned for adding the flag, the primary reason would be Simon found a cool little widget that places the flag on the posts and thought it looked cool... the other reasons strike me as considerations after the fact.
If I wanted to know the country of origin of a poster I would ask, if they want to answer so be it.
Personally it would not really bother me one way or the other, however I would give way to those that feel they have something to lose.