Without annoying posters can stupid threads exist?
JoinedPosts by yaddayadda
Without Any Observer Can The Universe Exist?
by frankiespeakin inwhat do you think?
it is kind of like the question: if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise as it crashes to the ground?
Blood Covenant
by andyviw inhave you ever wondered why the absolute aversion of jws to blood and anything to do with the cross?.
could it have something to do with the theme of the blood covenant that runs through out the scriptures starting with the animal that most of been sacrificed to cover adam and eve.the offering of able noah after the ark landed the jewish laws of animal sacrifice leading and pointing unmistakenly to jesus the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world.
is it they are refusing to enter in to the blood covenant which is the only way through the veil into the most holies are they with out the blood on their door posts and lintels.could all this avoidance of blood be betraying something much deeper and of eternal importance.unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the son of man you have no life in you.jn6;52,53 remember the life is in the blood..
Its not really clear what you are getting at. You seem to be conflating the fact that most JW's don't take the emblems at the memorial with their refusal to take blood transfusions. Are you saying the aversion to both is related? I don't really see the connection. Can you be clearer.
baptism question
by candidlynuts inwhy do the great crowd have to be baptized?
we dont partake at the memorial.. it looks like baptism would only be necessary for the " annoited" if you go by jw rules and stuff... .
i was thinking about that today and thought that its all just to control the masses.. get baptised and if you sin, they have the authority to " discipline " you .
You could take your line of thinking a lot further. Why do the 'great crowd' have to abide with anything in the NT since all of it was all written to 'anointed' Christians?
The WTS says certain texts, eg, as Romans 8:15-17, applies exclusively to the anointed. Such a notion is absurd since the entire book of Romans and in fact the entire NT was written to anointed Christians.
Scripturally, there is no such thing as a non-anointed Christian! -
Since I left...
by RollerDave insince i left.... so there i was, a disabled single dad bereft of all he had known or believed for 30 years.. i had moved a good 45 minutes away from the area where the events in my introductory post went down, but was now living in an area where i had resided some ten years earlier and still had a few stale connections with the organization.. i was lonely, depressed, pissed off, and really disgusted with the god i had been shown in my years of unfruitful association.. in my mind, he had made me the way i am, which apparently entailed being unable to meet his 'righteous requirements', and was going to kill me for it.
he had endowed all of us with a natural human nature (apart from our fallen sinful nature,) and now expected us to conquer our every natural impulse or desire, even the healthy ones, to survive the big a.. hold off on marriage or kids, no college, no success, no normalcy... the big a'll get ya if ya don't watch out!.
so i railed against him, defied him to just take me, do anything to show he even existed or had any power at all.. i went around saying 'god is an a$$h*le' and the like, but then i realized something that shook my world..... i was just as much a witness outside the organization as i had been inside!.
Thanks for sharing and great to read your story. The biggest mission of all for a badly burnt ex-JW is often simply to retain their faith in God. Congratulations on doing that and go well with your continued journey of spiritual discovery.
That Morning Drink
by KW13 inin the morning what drink do you first like?
(or need).... i find anything hot such as a tea/coffee or maybe even a hot choclate.
maybe its not necessarily the drink but more the time you allow yourself..
The one and only thing you should drink upon rising in the morning is a long glass of water, or two. This flushes out the kidneys of all the muck that has built up overnight.
Many people are chronically dehydrated without knowing it.
http://www.watercure.com/ -
Favorite Classical Music Piece?
by El Kabong ini'm kind of partial to strauss....listening to "tales from the vienna woods" now......(with images of bugs bunny cartoons in my head).....what are your favorite classical pieces?
Respighi - sublime.
When men think they are the "Kingdom of God"
by Doug Mason inin his book kingdom of god, john bright writes the following:.
although the new testament teaches us that the people of christs kingdom are his obedient followers, his church, there is never the slightest hint that the visibly existing church can either be or produce that kingdom.. there is no tendency in the new testament to identify the visible church with the kingdom of god.. the church that makes such an identification will soon begin to invite god to endorse its own very human policies and practices, will equate the people of god with those nice people who share its particular beliefs and participate in its services, and will reckon the advance of the kingdom in terms of its numerical growth.
but it will not be the new testament church!.
Very interesting, thank you. This is a subject that interests me.
JW's feel that 'fleeing' (from Babylon the Great: the 'world empire of false religion') to their organisation is literally fleeing to the Kingdom. They have a song called "Flee to God's Kingdom", which JW's picture as going to all the meetings and in all other respects dutifully serving as a loyal member of the organisation.
JW's are constantly exhorted to 'put first the interests of the Kingdom', which means to put first the interests of the organisation, ie, do more of the JW programme of works.
To a JW, to 'seek first the kingdom' means almost exclusively two things: to regularly attend and participate in all the meetings, and to have a 'full share' in the ministry ('field service').
Since the anointed are viewed as the kingdom (144,001 government rulers), then the organisation is the literal representation of that Kingdom on earth because it alone contains the 'anointed remnant' of those remaining kingdom heirs yet to receive their heavenly reward.
Yes, flee to the modern day Ark and the antitypical City of Refuge, THE ORGANISATION, for salvation! -
Taking predictions for the 2007 memorial partakers!!
by cultswatter ini'm doing this well in advance so that all the wonderful people on jwd can look back later and see just how close they were to the actual number!
(it is possible the wts might stop publishing the partaker numbers) in a few days, i will duly record the link to this thread for future reference.. remember that there were 8524 partakers in 2005 and 8758 partakers in 2006, an increase of 234 partakers.
so how many remnant will partake in 2007??.
Given that many (perhaps most) of those who partake suffer from mental or emotional imbalances, and given that JW's have more people with mental and emotional imbalances than any other large religion, and given that the levels of disillusionment/frustration/stress/neuroses must logically be increasing in the organisation, I predict a similar increase to 8968, with similar increases every year until 2014.
who really rules the world now?
by michiyo84 infor now the rules of dis world is satan.
but for 1 day satan will b destroyed.
Hi Michiyo & welcome. Ignore the smartasses on here.
If your point is meant to show that if Satan is the ruler of the world now then Jesus cannot also be the ruler of the world, then you are spot on! Jesus cannot have been enthroned as earth's new ruler in 1914 and Satan also still be the ruler of the world. Yet the Revelation Climax book says that in 1914 the "kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of the Lord and of his Christ.." (Rev 11:15). How unreasonable is that. So the Watchtower Society's position means that Jesus must somehow be sharing his rulership with Satan!
Oh yea, that's right, I forgot...Jesus has been reigning since 1914 but has not yet 'extended his dominion' to the earth. What utter cobblers! -
Jesus Never Existed website
by Balsam ini just ran across this website.
has extensive material from many different sources.
for those of you who are atheist you will find it interesting, for those who are believers it still is interesting.
The only persons who seriously believe that Jesus never existed are on the radical fringe of opinion on the subject. The overwhelming consensus among historians and scholars is that he did indeed exist, at the very least.
For an antidote to that website try this article: