I remember those good old days. The talks were more interesting back then for sure. It was the same at the Service Meetings also - there was encouragement to use props and other devices to stimulate the audience.
Remember the old days when they had regular slide shows as well?
Those tricks are gone because the GB are hellbent on cracking down on any kind of independent thinking, innovation and creativity. Even the CO's have been curtailed. Most CO's these days are complete drones, like the elders. The Borg only want to crush individual initiative in the interests of organisational conformity. It is the same in any centralised, high control system, from the Moonies to North Korea. Conformity is good, individualism is bad. You are at the meetings to be propagandized by Big Brother, not be entertained by him.
Mind control systems are all about depersonalising and sucking the creativity and colour out of people. That's what being absorbed into the global collective is all about. Unity at all costs.
JoinedPosts by yaddayadda
Audience participation during public talks
by Bonnie_Clyde inwe hear so much about the boring talks.. several years ago an attempt was made to liven things up a bit by randomly choosing people before the public talk, handing them a slip of paper with a question on it, and asking if they would like to answer the question when called upon during the talk.
that must have been 20+ years ago.
anybody know why that practice was discontinued?.
Publisher Pioneer Elder CO JC GB and all the titles
by NotaNess indid you ever feel like these all were like a military chain of command?.
and i think i'm just realizing this, but are females not allowed to give talks, or is that not correct?
if not, i know in scripture (1 timothy) it talks about women not being "teachers" of men, or something similar, but when i think back.....at work, i never hear of the females having ever given talks, i always here about the guys.. if i'm correct, as a female in the wts, did that t you off or were you relieved of not having to deal with it anyway?.
All those titles are almost exactly what you will find in any global corporation, except Corporations use different titles:
Board of Directors (GB), Chief Executives (senior Watchtower personnel), SBU's (the Committees), International Managers (District Overseers), National Managers (Branch Overseers), Regional managers (Circuit Overseers), Branch Managers (Elders), Assistant Branch Managers (Ministerial Servants), Sales Reps (Pioneers), door-to-door salesman (publishers).
The whole organizatioin is much more structured and modelled exactly per any typical worldwide sales company rather than the pattern of the first Christian congregations. -
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-10-07 WT Study (God's Word Guide)
by blondie inindeed, when we read the bible and let it guide .
q8) what scriptural principles help us to reason on the matter of associations?.
god's word be a lamp to our foot.
Wot a boring, dumbed down study article. Nothing but patronising didactic.
And how puke-making is this:
"Bad associations spoil useful habits."
Does adhering to this principle require that you shun unbelievers entirely? The Scriptural answer to that question is no. After all, the apostle Paul himself showed loving consideration for "people of all sorts," including unbelievers. (1 Corinthians 9:22) The very nature of Christianity demands that we show an interest in others--including those who do not share our beliefs."
YEAh RIGHT! Unless of course you are an ex-JW unbeliever in which case you are totally shunned as if you are the scum of the earth. -
Anyone who viciously preys on the innocent, especially those who abuse, assault or kill children.
Which WT doctrines or belief is correct???
by vitty inconsidering that most if not all of the wt beliefs are bs......................do you think any of them are right?.
i myself dont believe in hell fire, but foreverything else, the trinity imortality of the soul, the great apostacy or armageddon im still not 100 % sure.
so which ones do you think the wt are spot on with ?.
No trinity
No inherent immortal soul
No hellfire
Majority on earth, minority in heaven -
Paris Hilton sent back to jail
by free2beme inthey sent paris hilton back to jail.
as i have expressed on here many time, paris hilton is my least favorite of the hollywood people.
so, seeing her escorted from the court to the police car like a common criminal, while she yelled for her mother, ...... .
Wow awesome news, hehe. Serves her damn well right the spoilt rich tart. Maybe Justice isn't such an ass at times after all.
Stop college or keep plugging on?...opinions please.
by FreedomFrog inhere's my situation...i'm doing college online because i can't very well do college the traditional way with a 2 year old.
anyway, my computer has been acting really funny and it's not reliable anymore.
my ex worked on it for almost 4 hours and the darn thing still crashes saying my "virtual" memory is too low.
Just buy a new computer and carry on! Carrying on will probably do more to help you heal after your divorce than stopping.
NEW policy! NO LIT for EX-JWs!
by MinisterAmos init's official; they read the letter tonight that puts forth the new procedure.
if you find an expelled person in the field or are studying with one, you are no longer permitted to give them lit.
presumably the elders make a decision if an expelled one is regularly attending meetings, but only they can give them lit.
Translation of this announcement:
"Expelled JW's are to be hated as enemies. Shun them totally and don't dare give them any spiritual food. Ex-JW's are pure filth and don't deserve to live let alone read our stuff." -
Some posters spend a sh*tload of time on here every day!
by yaddayadda intop 10 posters in the last 7 days: .
nvrgnbk 395 posts .
blondie 204 .
Top 10 posters in the last 7 days:
nvrgnbk 395 posts
blondie 204
juni 126
needproof 108
minimus 103
greendawn 100
free2think 100
Sad emo 91
R.F. 87
dawg 81
Holy crapola, that must equate to how many hours a day on this site? Get a life you guys, seriously! LOL! -
Disfellowshipping smokers is an outrage!
by yaddayadda inhow does the society scripturally justify taking the ultra-harsh measure of disfellowshipping and shunning persons who merely enjoy smoking a few cigarettes a day?
in what way is mild smoking a gross sin that is deserving of such a harsh punishment?
how on earth does the society make the connection between the scriptural exhortation to 'cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit' (2 cor 7:1 & 2) to taking the extremely harsh measure of denying a smoker the right to any contact with their fellow congregation members, friends, and jw family?