JoinedTopics Started by Borgia
Salvation, Luther, and the Watchtower
by AliveinChrist inno man with simply a bible and faith in christ would be allowed salvation apart from the catholic organization.
positions that the wt religion teaches on the idea concerning the issue the witnesses having to identify themselves as being a member of the watchtower organization for their salvation one the one hand, it is taught that were one to impute salvation toward `an organization' one would be engaging in a `modern version of idolatry.
note the following quote from the wt which echoes the catholic creed.
Analysis of a Time Consuming System: Shocking Numbers about JWs
by drew sagan inweekly meetings .
book study: 1 hour .
meetings for field service: 15 minutes (13 hours per year) .
DC Drama: Mosaic Law == Being a Witness
by under_believer inokay, so i want to talk this one over with my wife, but i need to kick the idea around here a little bit first.
i apologize if this has already been covered.
at the district convention this year, they did a bit about how jeroboam didn't want the 10-tribe kingdom going down to jerusalem, so he tried to set up calf worship and his own set of festivals, etc.
Local need-last night
by sspo inthe po got up there for the local need,
zecharia says that jehovah is going to destroy all the nations of the earth,( scripture was talking about jerusalem) are you going to be one of those destroyed?
if you are missing meetings, you are not being influenced by god's spirit, there is another spirit that is influincing you, that of satan
Are We Missing the Bigger Picture???
by drew sagan inwe all pretty much have come to the same conclusion here that the watchtower is a corrupt system that controlls it's followers.
through websites, tv, and books many have put in alot of time exposing the teachings for what they really are.
but is there something going on in the organization right now that is even bigger than the false doctrines, something that shows they are in the planning stage of something that's even more corrupt than what is going on now?
Terrible "Local Needs" part--TRUST THE "SLAVE CLASS!"
by under_believer injust curious--do all gb members profess to be "anointed?
" are they all claim to be members of the "faithful and discreet slave class?
last night at my kh we had a "local needs" part.
X - JW or Apostate?
by In Between ini thought this might be interesting.
if it's been talked about before, i apologize in advance.
what differences do you think exist between the two?
Disassociate the Inactive? Maybe Not.
by metatron inimagine what would happen in countless congregations across the globe if the society formally announced that "so and so is no longer one of.
jehovah's witnesses" simply because they became inactive.. not only would many congregations suffer under the burden of having their younger witness demographic get "expelled" , often one by .
one, in a steady drip as they fornicate/smoke/do weed/whatever, man - but you now add a regular stream of .
Prediction of large drop in JW numbers in 2014
by VM44 ini am going to make the prediction, here and now in mid 2006, that there will be a significant drop in the number of jehovah's witnesses in the year 2014, the one hundredth anniversary of 1914.. the only way this drop in numbers might be avoided is if the watchtower society can think up some way to stir up the rank and file and get them motivated to do more, like they did with the 1975 fiasco.. .
i doubt very much that the watchtower magazine is going to proclaim loudly in the year 2014 anything about the "generation of 1914" not passing away.. --vm44
Daniel 4......
by Stromboli inlet's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.