I think that the appeal of the charade that is being put up in church is nice. Like going to a theatre and watching some play. Except, the theatre is more expensive.........
i do not believe at all in the existence of the supernatural, etc.
i was a roman catholic in early childhood and catholicism is deeply rooted in my culture and community.
my happiest childhood memories are from that time, when life was normal and our family was not torn apart by jwism.
I think that the appeal of the charade that is being put up in church is nice. Like going to a theatre and watching some play. Except, the theatre is more expensive.........
So.......what? our time is limited..........we al had a beginning did we not? So it's limited from one perspective at least.......
Now what?
my wife was talking on the phone to one of her witness friends in.
another state who has been a jw for over 40 years, which is also true.
for me and my wife.
To bad TO Sad,
The mistake you ake in your analogy is that the context in which the 6000 year human presence on earthis discussed is the durantion of a creation day of 7000 years. You don't have to be a mathematician to calculate it implication......BUT WE ARE NOT SAYING IT.....IT COULD BE.....
BUT is will be a matter of months not years?
Are we not joyful while we spent our remaining months in this system in a fine way as pioneers?
unfortunately i have no scanner.
but i thought y'all might like a glance into the latest mind of "mother".. i won't type out the whole thing, but just select pertinent parts to quote:.
"to all bodies of elders.
they sould patiently provide scriptural counsel
I wonder I much time this would take.
they may feel they have no recourse at the present time
So as long as you claim to have no recourse..........it's ok?Who will be the judge of that? Do you have a valid recourse brother? No....JC
manifest a brazen attitude, not really caring if others are stumbled
A closer look the the scriptural meaning of stumbling means other people going flat on their noses and breaking into a million pieces. check the cd rom RBI 8 lookup. So....who would then fit such a description.......It would indicate that as a parent you relative comes sleeping over, has sex with his or her partner and then what.....sister never f**ked starts doing America? Or brother just appointed MS suddenly starts doing all the elderettes? Or Sister exemplary publisher immediately quits? Come on.....get a life. How are they going to prove that? 2 witness rule?
manifest a brazen attitude
brazen: perhaps suggesting a face unable to show shame..........When Jesus argues: who convinces me of sin.....was he brazen? And even more: was he thrown out of the synagoge? Interestingly with all this capacity the best the Galileans could manage was trying to throw him of a cliff, the Judeans could only try to throw stones.......But when someone says: I was a born blind and cured they throw him out? So much for brazen.....
speaking against 'the teaching of the Christ
Since when is that a JC offence? When do you speak against the teachings of the christ? As far as I know, the teaching of the Christ was about love for one another........not whether or not a certain act is condoned by the WTS....
How disgusting! I would not like to be the elders with such news......
oil is a fossil fuel that is buried deep into the ground and under the sea.. oil was formed when tiny plants and animals died in ancient seas at a. minimum 10 million years ago and perhaps up to 60 million years ago.. if plants and animals were created on god's 5th or 6th creative day and.
these days were, as i remember 7,000 years long, how could oil be 10. million years old?
some of these oil wells are 5 miles deep which points.
The famous scholarly book: Life how did it get here.....says those creation days are very long periods of time. ......I'm sure since they said so scientist have discovered this too and changed their views......
excerpt from cr 359, "the temple of god" p.915.
russell...in his own words...... .
"i am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a word about some of the things in which we agree with our masonic friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to masonry, and we are also masons.. .
But not just after the style of our Masonic brethern
He was commiting a sophistry of the 33rd degree. Typical JW speak.
What if it is not a greek story after all but imported?
i have no evidence to back up what i am about to say.
i have no paperwork, no recordings, no photos, no nothing.
and yet this nags at me.. i have this sneaky feeling that soon the wbts is going to broaden their view of "apostasy" and begin to include people who don't currently fit into their apostate views.. i have this itch that's telling me that, basically, if you present anything negative concerning the truth, you are at risk of being hauled before an elder body and punished for this somehow (disfellowshipping, reproof?)..
I love the smell of napalm in the morning....
i still get copies of all the kms and mags - just for a giggle really.
oh and to look out for noo light of course!.
i was browsing thru the march 15 2009 yesterday and came across something that was noo to me.
Very good for the WTS to have seen the light in 1925. So they did not have a clue as to what the significance was of 1914, 1919 at least not untill 1925......This looks very favorably on them......
As a matter of fact: I was under the impression that Freddy wrote in the gods 1000 year reign book (the yellow one) that the matter (1874 or 1914) was definately put to bed in 1943..........
Reminds me.....did they not say millions now living will never die?
i have to give credit to sleepy for alerting me to this little discrepancy.
i cant believe i have never clued into the duality of freddies logic.
nevermind the jumping all over the bible between ot & nt to get his math together..... *** pe chap.
WT Wizard: if ther eis a discrepancy of 36 3/4 year than the issue quite easily solved. Russel was right after all.....1914 3/4 - 36 3/4 = 1878......the year that the WT was issued as a herald of Gods Kingdom......