CyberJesus bent his knee to Richard Dawkins ......
last night i went to caltech to listen to mr dawkins.
what a most pleasant man to listen.
intelligent, assertive, witty, funny.
i woke up this morning wondering what any elders who frequent this site would do if they were asked to part of a judicial commitee to disfellowship an apostate.. how would you handle it?.
has it happened to you?.
no deep reason why, just wondering!.
Word games. They easily forget since all relating evidence i.e. letters could be destroyed as a matter of simple policy. On top, keeping up with present thruth, taking a prohibited blood treatment is no longer a df-ing offense. It is assumed you have forfeited your place in the cong and have stepped back: Da-ed yourself.
when you stop your car at the red light and someone else is flirting with/smiling at you in her or his car, what do you do?
i would like to have extended stick to give her my business card.
the watchtower bible & tract society as homeland security clergy response team member: the big sell out..
anybody here got any info about this?
is this really true?.
I've read both articles and can't say they are very to the point. But what this character seems to convey is that the wBTS somehow had to handover all personal info on all 7 million members in order to keep the tax exempt status. But he did not provide direct evidence. Circumstantial evidence instead with a question to Alex Jones to look into it.
Peculiar story.
why not call their magazine a more modern name?
like the satellite?
the only places these days using watch towers are prisons and north korea.. .
per a recent boe letter:.
-- new manual will be softcover.
-- elders can keep their old elder manual if they choose.
one of the many factors that made me loose faith in the bible was the fact that camels were not domesticated during abrahams era.
i read this on the book "the bible unearthead".
do you know of any other evidence that shows camels were domesticated after 1000 bce.
read what your family is being fed in the non-downloadable koolaid pages.. zip file:
qw'vw bwwn brainwashed yo believed thrt 1914 was the year satan was kick out of the heaven having freat anger.
my theory is the year was 1939. he came down with great anger and he like on the past went after the jew (that's another story which i will get into later).
for now, i ask you to look at 1939. jesus spole of of theiir being wars, earthqakes, and food shortages and pestialience.
I dunno dude...or should I say: dudette ... it seems you'le north Korean, Chinese, or something along those lines. .... Ah ... I see ... you'le the one excuse for God to bling the big A now. Good! The pleeching work is tluly fulfilled as was claimed.
As for youl topic headel: I fully aglee! ... if you could make cleal of what it is not the yeal of.
O and about youl hypothesis 1939? ... it must be wlong because you still base youl assumptions on a book called the bible which is known to be flawlessly flawed on almost evelything. Sambal by?
O and I'm ticked off, jackass, stupid, make many mistakes especially with wolds with an L, so you can make fun of me because I'm on meth, heleoine, speed, LSD, Nedelweed, clack and cocaine, I don't sleep, play golf and I'm a sex addict. O and I just got a lecipe flom the doctle for viagla. And don't you dale ignole me! I will get vely angly!