I am outraged by this story and the memories that it is dredging up from other survivors. I too was a victim of abuse, but I'll not get into that just yet.
Room 215, you said:
In fairness, it must be said that by far the majority of JW parents I've known understand the difference between a spanking and a despicable criminal act such as this, and would not condone it. Mental instability is mental instability and the religious affiliation of the one afflicted is irrelevant.Unfortunatly, I have to disagree with your take on this. I'm sure you've known many JW parents that seemed to know the difference between a spanking and abuse, but you don't know what happened in the privacy of their homes.
You must know that most JWs would react to this bit of news much as we all did, with horror and revulsion, so whatever we think of them, it's unfair to conclude that punishment of this sort is a regular occurrence among them and is deemed in any way acceptable and responsible parenting.
I can tell you right now that the only thing JW's are going to have a problem with in this circumstance was that poor Laree died as a result.
I can also tell you that the "40 strokes less one" punishment is not an isloated case of warped minds. I don't know where the times three came from, but I was dealt 39 strokes many times with that scripture being quoted as they were administered.
My parents often went to the elders to request a punishment, ie "What punishment should we administer when so-and-so does this?". The elders always metered out some number of strokes, never a lecture, never grounding, always beatings.
You say 'it is unfair to conclude that punishment of this sort is a regular occurance'. I say the only thing irregular here is that the parents got caught.