How about...
"I waz hom skoold"
think of the awesome reception you will get at your next meeting or convention wearing a stylish apostates, inc. shirt.
such as our personal favorite:.
happy shopping!.
How about...
"I waz hom skoold"
this is my view of the witnesses, keeping to the jw theme here.
i'll post a nice love poem too to make up for it.. comon people, show me your work, or stuff that you like!.
angst is a poison
it feeds on my mind
i eat it up
and writhe in it's lowliness
down i am stricken
thorn in my side
clawing at it
i try to love.
i bleed
i am leaking
poison leaching
returning to a state of peace
festering, burning pustule
rubbing a soothing salve
upon my sores.
sore skin.
sore soul.
i pick at the scab.
this is my view of the witnesses, keeping to the jw theme here.
i'll post a nice love poem too to make up for it.. comon people, show me your work, or stuff that you like!.
in dark places
where dark characters roam
evil begets evil
back alleys are their home
"watchoo want?", "watchoo need?"
the urchins push their trade
and like the urchins of the sea
from these too be afraid
and like a curious child poking around tide pools
danger lies beneath the foam
in dark places
where dark characters roam
im a liceinced electrician now working in wireless communication installations.i love the electrical industry,there is so much to learn and so many different things do work with and technology is always changing.never a boaring day especially when we are working in the office buildings downtown,chicks everywhere!.
I am a graphic artist. The company I work for does product marking for all kinds of retail/commercial products.
Basically I do art for pre-press, silk screen color separations, vector graphics for vinyl decals and 3-D mapping for computer engravers.
I love my job because everyday I'm doing something different.
life is the opportunity for art
first up is moe howard.
the bully, the boss, the enforcer.
usually the po of the congregation.
HOW DARE YOU!!! How dare you bring reproach on the names of the stooges! You should be ashamed.
Funny though ;)
life is the opportunity for art
more than a few posters have told me that my dnc logo looks, at first glance, like dic!!.
well that won't do!
if any of you can come up with something more appropriate, about the same size and with a #000033 background i would really appreciate it.. full credit given.. thanks,.
How's this?
The quality stinks due to the webphotos converter - I can e-mail a hi-res version.
life is the opportunity for art
more than a few posters have told me that my dnc logo looks, at first glance, like dic!!.
well that won't do!
if any of you can come up with something more appropriate, about the same size and with a #000033 background i would really appreciate it.. full credit given.. thanks,.
I'm a graphic artist by trade, and personally, I like the original.
If you REALLY think it needs changing, I can set you up with a duplicate in capital letters.
Let me know
life is the opportunity for art
i have to ask this although i have a feeling i dont really want to read the responses but anyway.
i talked to several people here today who dont believe there is a god at all.
this is disturbing!
I just found this thread, and to be honest, I didn't read all the way through. I don't know where it went in 6 pages, therefore, I'm going to restrict my reply to answering Flower's first post only.
As a JW I believed everything they taught - EVERYTHING. If it came from Brooklyn I bought it hook, line and sinker. When I left the organization it was in search of living my life for me, not because of any doubt I had in their teachings. That was 13 years ago - I went about my life fully believing the world would end soon, and that I would go with it because I refused to follow their rules. Last year I found this board and my research lead be to the fact that the JW's are a false religion and a cult. It was a serious and tremendous shock.
My faith was shaken to the core - not just in JW stuff, but in everything to do any religion. My entire faith and belief system was wrapped aroud JW dogma and when that fell away nothing was left - I'm still in th process of rebuilding my belief structure, but as of now God doesn't play a part. I don't know if he/she exists or not - I don't know what to believe, I'm still working it out. But with all the JW crap gone I'm starting from scratch, and I can't really say that there is enough evidence 'FOR ME' to believe in god.
That's only my opinion though - I only tell you what I think, what you believe is up to you.
life is the opportunity for art
i hope this doesnt come out sounding self righteous or anything like that.
forgive me if it sounds like an attempt to...i dont know..gain sympathy or something like that...its not.. i have been here a lot over the past couple of months since i found out the truth about the truth.
i've used this place as sort of a support system.
Hi Flower,
I don't believe we've met before, so I'll say now what a pleasure it will be to get to know you. Everyone who leaves the borg has their own journey to make - it will be different for everyone.
Some people have already mentioned how they have had similar experiences - and their opinions will help you when you have a particularly distinct situation to overcome. On the other hand,my experience was nothing like what you described, and what I have to offer is a different perspective. Someone elses view may help you to see something you were missing before.
Please know that even though harsh words and attitudes hurt, upbuilding and friendly words can do wonders.
If you ever feel down, just pop in here for a friendly 'face'. I may not always be here, but there will ALWAYS be someone here who will listen and make you feel better. ALWAYS
life is the opportunity for art
part 18: the last stand my brothers gift .
i had almost forgotten about my brothers gift.
the amalgamated wedding was now well over 2 years in the past.
Amazing - All I can say is thank you. Your experience was quite engaging, I couldn't wait for each subsequent episode.
Again, thank you for sharing.
life is the opportunity for art