happy saturday everyone. last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well. something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved. there were a couple of no-shows last night......finally-free and the infamous one i'm looking in your direction.......telltruth.
JoinedPosts by telltruth
last night in toronto
by telltruth inhappy saturday everyone.
last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well.
something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved.
I wonder what........
by chachasmum inthe dubs at booklyn bethal would do if that bird flu passes from human to human.
being a great crowd would they disband and close bethal or would they continue publishing those rag mags.
that virus is one scary prospect.
perhaps if the jw r and f were to have nothing but old watchtowers and awakes! to read without constant drivel from the gb, some(lmfao) of the broken promises, changes in doctrine, outright deceptions would start to stand out. no new light.....hmmmm.....maybe some eyes would open a little wider......telltruth
cordelias first ever birthday!
by Cordelia inhey i keep forgetting but its my birthday tomorrow!.
18th november i will be the big 30 (and i look about 11!).
i really wanted tobe completely open and celebrate it properly i never dreamt i'd be still in the position of living a double life and hiding my true feelings from my family (see my other thread).
Happy Birthday Cordelia!! enjoy the day, do something you have always wanted to do, buy Yourself a present........telltruth
What Would It Take
by NestleBoy ina few months back i remembered a newbie asked in this forum what would it take for a current witness to "go over the edge".
in other words what would it take, personally as a witness, to stop going to meetings or to just quit being a jw?
what would you have to learn or see?
the gb has recently replaced two of its "annointed " with men in their 50's. not even alive in 35' there will no doubt be some new light. but are you really going to wait 20-30yrs until you make up your mind? you sound as if you already know this is wrong.......telltruth
Removing "God"
by startingover in.
with the continuing thiest-athiest debates that go one here, i have a question, mainly for believers.. as a believer in god, how does it make you feel when you hear about athiest michael newdow's efforts to have "in god we trust" removed from us currency?
i guess this question could include the 10 commandments being displayed on public building issue, or removing reference to god from the pledge of allegiance.
not to mention that the GB recently added to new members( men in ther 50's) who were not even alive in 1935. oh well. anyone know if the avg jw knows the names and credentials(actual, not implied) of its GB annointed? or is that just information available to the free.
Tax the churches
by startingover ini came upon this letter to the editor in my morning newspaper:.
churches ought to be taxed like others.
after sept. 11, 2001, i think it was jerry falwell who said that it happened because people turned away from god.
finally-free, i agre 100%. if the wt and its affiliates were taxed the way all businesses should be they would no doubt be in trouble. someone pointed out on another thread that although jw's are way,way down on the list of followers, they rank number 4(four) on the list of "churches owned". just think of all the commercial and property tax they would be responsible for. abso everything about the wt has some form of evasion in it. business disguised as church/religion......telltruth
Moon Halo's?
by Jordan inhas anybody seen many of these before, i just saw one as i was coming in from the pub, i thought i was imagining at first, until a friend rang me and told me to take a look at the sky, he seemed convinced it was aliens.
just interested, have they been there lots of times before and i've just missed them, or are they rare?.
"refraction".......i missed a key......telltruth
Moon Halo's?
by Jordan inhas anybody seen many of these before, i just saw one as i was coming in from the pub, i thought i was imagining at first, until a friend rang me and told me to take a look at the sky, he seemed convinced it was aliens.
just interested, have they been there lots of times before and i've just missed them, or are they rare?.
the "moon halo's" are a result of refracton through ice crystalization in the upper atmosphere, relatively common if the sky is clear(no cloud cover) and the ambient light where you live permits. i will make a point of posting pictures of the phenom. soon. I have many photos of these taken over the years, many locations.....telltruth
Removing "God"
by startingover in.
with the continuing thiest-athiest debates that go one here, i have a question, mainly for believers.. as a believer in god, how does it make you feel when you hear about athiest michael newdow's efforts to have "in god we trust" removed from us currency?
i guess this question could include the 10 commandments being displayed on public building issue, or removing reference to god from the pledge of allegiance.
defd.. we haven't met however i read as many of your posts as possible. you seem caring, intelligent and thoughtful. i wanted to ask you your opinion on the descrepancies i've noticed on the subject of religion/politics as far as the wt is concerned. we know that the wt/jw has no respect for countries(borders),their governments, and for the most part their laws, flags, anthems and the like.. but something keeps nagging at me .
why if all this disdain for the aforementioned items does the wt constantly hold up government policy when trying to make/prove a point to the jw readership. many jw's point to all the wonderful rights and freedoms we the goats have as a result of the wt/jw lawyers efforts. as if these efforts were on the behalf of us condemned to hellfire or what have you as opossed to ensuring the continuance of the wool remaining completely over the sheeps eyes. we know how the wt loves to knock worldly, higher education yet every single issue of the watchtower or awake! goes on to cite example after example of quotes from doctors, scientists, smart folk from wherever, to make some eroneous point that because this smart,educated person says this well we the jw must do that. without changing the subject to something completely irrelevant is there anyway you can assist me in understanding the constant discrepancies?.......telltruth
Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner
by daystar ini'm rather conflicted on this.
what do you guys think?
does this qualify as psychological abuse?
i once saw a similar situation across the street from my place downtown.... male child, aprox.13-14yrs old wearing cardboard sign which read. i have been caught stealing from the store i am standing in front of and i am here to let everyone know that i have learned my lesson and that i can be trusted from now on..... i thought to myself, hmmmm... good idea. then noticed parent keeping close eye from a chair not far from his son. i felt compelled to share how i thought this was a lesson well learned and that they must be a fantastic parent to take such an action....telltruth