Smile and nod.
JoinedPosts by daniel-p
by Thoughtless inso after the annual meeting, on sunday, the elders want to talk with my family.
i do not like this one bit.
perhaps i am being exposed.
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
I hear its a new bible in the style of R Crumb:
2012 report analysis - growth of JWs according to local internet availability
by cedars inhi everyone.
i did a similar chart to the one below last year, but this year i thought i'd make it slightly more meaningful by giving the statistics across three years rather than just one.. hopefully it's fairly self explanatory.. i'm making the data i've used available in a separate pdf download for those who are interested.. .
Interesting. Also, what is going on at 20-29%? In every year, there's a clear valley there.
Wouldn`t it have made more sense for Jesus to excell in chemistry ,physics ,Astronomy ? or any of the other sciences ? instead of being just a craftsmen ?
by smiddy inlets face it, if jesus had revealed to mankind some of the mysteries of the universe 2000 years ago , before modern science was able to catch up with it , then surely it would have been a bloody good indication he was indeed the son of god .
i mean to say, it was through him that all things came into existence wasn`t it ?
then physics , chemistry ,astronomy , would be a breeze to him .information of this sort would surely have exalted his name above any other in this day had he been able to reveal such knowedge ,we all would have been beleivers .. the fact that god never inspired him to do so , and he never thought to do so ......?
The fact that the story claims he was a craftsman speaks much better to the "humble beginings" cliche of prophets.
Umm... losing your job and then deciding to go try to kill a bunch of kids is not a normal healthy reaction to stress. This man is insane, it is a sign of systemic untreated mental illness in their society, just as shooting in the US are.
Confidential Materials!
by Atlantis inall documents of important nature such as, our kingdom ministry, boe letters, forms, or other materials will now be sent only by email or private message communications.
they will not be posted out here on the board.
if someone else wants to post them, be my guest.. .. we have no other choice in this matter, and sending out confidential documents is better when it is done privately.
This is silly. Just send the docs to someone, who sends them to someone else, etc, who then posts them. The power of having these documents is that you help make them PUBLIC. Not just for ex-JW-insiders. And sending them to a proxy once seems like much less work then sending it hundreds of times. Work smarter, not harder. Or am I missing something?
Hard Boiled Eggs Cannot Be Peeled . . . Ever!
by compound complex ingood morning, friends:.
it's nearly 3:00 a.m., and i needed a midnight snack.
i didn't want to fry an egg so i tried to peel a couple cooked eggs.
Peel them under running water. The water will help lift the membrane so the shell comes off in larger pieces.
Are They Cynically Shutting Down The Organization?
by metatron ini've raised this idea before but recent events seem to support it.
changes in the watchtower may be guided by more than a need for cash flow: they may simply be liquidating/shutting it down as discreetly as possible.. of course, this doesn't mean they stop working on their upstate ny country club - but it could mean that the throrough going exposure and disproof of their beliefs on the internet, when it emerged, took many of them by surprize, as it did many of us!
after awhile, they generally gave up trying to make any sense of their doctrines - and coupled with cash flow issues - moved towards a quiet retreat.. take a look at a few things:.
Remember that the GB separated themselves from control of the WTS in the early 2000s. Those that took over were Bethel insider heavies, although I've forgotten all of their names. At the time, most Bethelites thought this was because The GB needed to insulate themselves from legal liability if anything were to "go down," thus avoiding a repeat of Rutherford et al being imprisoned and the organization going into hibernation. HOWEVER, it just as easily could have been, or be turning into, a coup.
Watchtower's Weirdest Photograph?
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower's weirdest photograph?.
you wont believe it when you see it.
and is available at:
He looks more than "touched up" to me. (And I've seen quite a few shops in my time ;)
The shadows on the figure convey no depth. Just compare his arms to the guy on his right. We should be seeing very similar shadow pattern on the figure in question, but it's nothing like anyone else in the photograph. Sure, they put a shadow on the left side of his face, but it's pretty obvious there was serious alteration of the figure when you compare it to the detail of the woman's face on his left.
As far as the significance, however, I don't think it means anything. As another poster said, they person probably moved or something. I highly doubt Rutherford would allow the photo to be taken without everyone in their seat, especially since there are some standing who could have easily filled the chair. So someone was sitting there, but for some reason their image was altered. Why? I don't much care or see any reason why it would matter to us today.
There are plenty of other whacky images published by the WTS.
My brother still serves at Bethel so I should be getting his "notes" soon. Will post if/when I get them.