I have heard that with a little spin on it. I remember it being told when I was in service with a bunch of "sisters". There tale was that the guy was a serial rapist, and he didn't attack the women at the door because of the big guys in white. Whatever, the story changes depending on the car group I'm sure.
JoinedPosts by ConnieLynn
JW Folklore ?
by dobby ingot this in an email today from someone - thought it might be of interest.
we've all heard or read scores of these, so if this is not new sorry to make you read it again.. of course the fact it was related at a circuit assembly makes it the stone cold truth :)!.
subject: re: fw: jehovah hears prayers.
Hello, I'm new
by Glory ini'm disfellowshipped.
my sister is really into this place and told me to come to this board and read everyone's comments.
we've all had pretty similar experiences it sounds like.
Hey Chickadee! I know you love it when I call you that. I wanted to welcome you too!
(If anyone is reading this, Alli is my little sister)!
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes ini hope that i will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head.
as a jw , i was always so concerned with pleasing jehovah.
was i paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do.
I don't think it is....
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes ini hope that i will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head.
as a jw , i was always so concerned with pleasing jehovah.
was i paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do.
I understand what you are saying. I agree, I think we can't understand completely. The bible doesn't tell us exactly everything that he thinks and feels. But peace of mind might come from just accepting that we can't know. What is so sad about that Mormon boy is that what he was doing was praying to his Mormon perception of what God is and what God wanted for him. I wish I had the answers. But I do know this...What the JW's teach about being good enough or trying hard enough, is bullshit. (pardon my language) That is poison.
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes ini hope that i will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head.
as a jw , i was always so concerned with pleasing jehovah.
was i paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do.
LyinEyes -
This might be an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I believe in God now more than I did before. As I witness, "Jehovah" seemed so far away and unapproachable and cruel sometimes. When I left the witnesses, I thought God was either dead or didn't exist. But as I have become untangled from that whole mess, I have meant wonderful, kind people - people I was taught didn't even exist. Knowing these people, and having the freedom to pursue my own intersts without guilt, makes me believe there is a God. I'm not sure exactly what he is like. But I don't think he is anything like the God we learned about as JW's. I do think the real God wants us to enjoy life and eat it up. This is just my opinion, but I think all of the religous organizations out there and they are man made, and most foster a distorted view of God. Yeah we have free will, and at the hands of men, a lot of our world sucks. But there are a lot of good things too. I think your faith will fluctuate with time and at some point you will pursue some sort of relationship with God, but it doesn't have to be like the relationship we were taught. -
Suggestions Please
by ConnieLynn inmy mother has been sick for a couple of months and undergoing a battery of tests, she is a jw.
we live 3000 miles apart.
well she just called and informed me that she had just received some bad news from her doctor this afternoon.
All your replies meant more to me than you know. I'm going to Florida to be with my mom. Thank you, I just needed to hear from someone people who understood this whole thing. I have a support network of people in my life now that are totally unfamiliar with JW's. This whole dynamic of being shunned by family is foreign to them. I appreciate all your help...
Suggestions Please
by ConnieLynn inmy mother has been sick for a couple of months and undergoing a battery of tests, she is a jw.
we live 3000 miles apart.
well she just called and informed me that she had just received some bad news from her doctor this afternoon.
sf - the borg came between my mother and me in 94' when I was DF'd. She is the one who told me to stay away and that she wanted me to support her wishes. I don't know how to do that. If there was an ounce of hope that my opinion counted for anything, I would kick my JW sister,cousins,aunts and elders all out of there. Unfortunately, it only works out like that in my imagination...
Suggestions Please
by ConnieLynn inmy mother has been sick for a couple of months and undergoing a battery of tests, she is a jw.
we live 3000 miles apart.
well she just called and informed me that she had just received some bad news from her doctor this afternoon.
My mother has been sick for a couple of months and undergoing a battery of tests, she is a JW. We live 3000 miles apart. Well she just called and informed me that she had just received some bad news from her doctor this afternoon. She has a growth in her colon and is bleeding internally They want her to immediately have a transfusion and exploratory surgery. Her blood count is shy of 4, whatever that means and she can hardly get up. Her answer to the trasfusion was (surprise) no, and of course surgery is out of the question with her blood count so low. The Dr suspects cancerous tumor. Long story short, my JW sister and her husband are flying in to be with her and they have contacted the local elders etc... trying to find a doctor who will treat her without blood.
I started to tell her what I thought and I was told to keep my opinions to myself and stay at home. Stay home? How do I do that? How am I supposed to act? I am so mad I just want to hit someone or something. Am I supposed to sit at home and wait for bad news? Is it normal to feel like blowing up the next KH I see? Once again this religion is constricting my heart and making it hard for me to breathe, much less cope. I also have the lovely news of calling my other DF'd sister, who is away at college, and telling her. This is my first family type crisis that I have had since I have been DF'd. Have any of you been through this before?
Input please
by orangefatcat ini have been wondering, just how many of us here started looking into the injustices of the wtbs after being disfellowshipped.
did some of us look here in order to justify our anger because we were ousted.
did some have hatred right away or was it gradual?
I got mad and saw a lot of #@$%# before I got DF'd, but then, I got madder the more I did some research. I felt assured that I had done the right thing, the more I learned. Now, I want to tell all JW's to get out, but of course that doesn't work. I see what you're saying though, either way, it works out...you end up outraged when you realize so many people have been mislead.
My Dad called
by Elsewhere inthe other day i sent my family a framed studio photograph that i had made for them.. i called to make sure they got it and my mom said that she did and that it was placed with the other family photos in the living room.. a few days later my dad called to thank me.
he then went off into a tangent about how he wants me to come back to the "truth".
i told him that i respect his right to believe as he will, but i expect the same in return.
Elsewhere - Your dad sounds like my mom! It doesn't matter how happy you are, you're out of the "truth" therefore, you are danger of losing your life at Armageddon. THerefore, lay on the guilt trip! I always feel sick to my stomach after one of those conversations with my mother. Every single time I talk to my mom, which isn't often, I remember what is was like to be in the organization, it is such an intense feeling, I feel upset for hours sometimes days after. Hang in there, you've come a long way just getting out. I don't know if those feelings ever completely go away. I do know it helps to talk to other people who have had the same or similar experiences, so stay on this board and talk to all of us...it really helps.