see, i think he was speaking slowly cuz he hasnt gotten his phD in reading yet from the Awake University.... poor guy cant read properly yet...
the infamous one
my wife got this by email.
it passed through many channels getting to her, literally hundreds of others received it.
it is unreal!subject: fw: daniel advancement of the stone... interesting.
see, i think he was speaking slowly cuz he hasnt gotten his phD in reading yet from the Awake University.... poor guy cant read properly yet...
the infamous one
somebody was asking me about tattoos and what the biblical rules about them are.
i also remember that a magazine (an awake!?
) mentioned that getting a tattoo is a matter of conscience.
i havent gotten any yet... i wanna get a pheonix on my right shoulder and forearm... and i want to get some lines from some of my poetry written on my back... dammit, i want lots, but theyt all have to be black...
the infamous one
do any of you parents and/or sons and daughters feel weird about sleeping in the same bed as your parent and/or son or daughter?
is there a certain age that this behavior becomes inappropriate?
i ask this because the c.o and his wife that are staying with us this week: brought along their 18 year old daugher.
WHITE PPL ARE SCARED OF BEING CALLED WEIRD........ plus to be honest, i dun wanna be in the same bed as my parents were getting busay in.... its just gross! like seriously: "dad, will u stop poking me in the back of the head with that thing??? EWWWWWW mom, keep your voice down, u migh wake the neighbours..." ok now i gotta go throw up!
the infamous one
i remember being at a district convention when three young mormon men came in and somehow ended up sitting next to me.
i was sitting with three of my girlfriends and although we were all 19 years old we had to sit within a row or two of our parents in order to be policed appropriately.
the assembly was a yawnfest as usual but the mormon guys showing up added a bit of interest -- i immediately picked up on the fact that they were there for laughs not because they had any interest in becoming jdubs.
i got yelled at once for looking at a girl three rows away!!! i was 17, and it wasnt my parents that yelled at me, it was some fucking random SUPER WITNESS!!! dont worry, i had my kryptonite, you should have seen him squirm when i pushed my cross in his face!!!
the infamous one
for those who have friends there or who just left there, what is being said about this?
theyre saying, shit the boat is finally sinking... well lets go become missionaries for the mormons!!!! what do you mean thats wrong??? its the same fuckin organization, with POLIGAMY!!!! fuck you, im goin!!!
the infamous one
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i fuckin hate spiders.... spiders are scary!
the infamous one
hi guys, as most of you know i have been inactive for a bit ( august of 2004 was the last time i turned in time) i changed congregations in december and have pretty much faded.
last night i had a talk with someone and he asked me why i was still in, why not just da?.
my answer ?.
LOLA!!!! it seems to me that you have already made the FINAL decision, that you will never go back... heres the best idea i can give you, come here to live with me, and well write DA letters together!!!! then well both be out forever and it will be great!!!!
the infamous one
i know i know, i'm so sorry to bug you guys about this but for obvious reasons i can't talk about it with anyone from the congregation and you guys are familiar with the watchtower.
in the watchtower, the woman is expected to be 'chaste.
' so i'm worried that if i decide to marry someone that is a jw if what i did before will be a problem.
i read the other day that theyre not supposed to even perform fallatio or cunnilingus... GODDAMN IT, NO ORAL!!!
the infamous one
i sometimes imagine that the wt is destroyed (mental masturbation yeah) and all the people left without hope, sanity and joy.
this will be terrible in itself, if the wt falls suddently i fear a mass suicide.i recall myself thinking that id would rather die that not be in "the truth".
it will be a terrible shock for everybody.
i got my fingers crossed that it will fall... but when it doesnt, i realize that there are too many stupid and lost and scared people to let that happen.... and i think that when it does happen, the governing body will go with it, to hell that is... theyll throw themselves out of a building or have someone do it for them, since they cant do it themselves....
but other than that, life will go on as it did... they are not as important as they like to pretend they are... there are so many people that are disillusioned with it all that they would be able to just walk away... no i dont think it will be that big of a deal...
the infamous one
did u see that friggin reverse??? HOLY CRAP!!!!
the infamous one