i have like a collection of every holidays decorations on my apartment door all year long, just to remind the J_DUBS that im done with them... yep, theres halloween, christmas, easter and some ramaddan stuff...
the infamous one
on my street, someone already started puting up their christmas decorations.
i find that a little early, but that's their business .
how about you, when do you start puting them up?
i have like a collection of every holidays decorations on my apartment door all year long, just to remind the J_DUBS that im done with them... yep, theres halloween, christmas, easter and some ramaddan stuff...
the infamous one
have you ever noticed how some jw's who own businesses name their companies with titles associated with their belief?
there's a few in my city with company names like:
kingdom janitorial service(the logo on his van actually has the watchtower on it)
i hated working for j-dunbs cuz for some reason they always ALWAYS try to stiff you... they would either take forever to pay you, or just never do it at all... happened to me a few times by a few different companies... it was retarded...
the infamous one
has anyone ever wanted to do that?
to just leave and tell no one where you are going.
start over fresh in a new place where nobody judges you based on your past.
many many many times... i think about it often, but then i realize, some of the things i love most would be left behind... maybe im a chicke,... i still wanna do it, for a little while at least...
the infamous one
-----------------my husband likes to go to bed early between 10 and 10.30 pm.
he gets up early so i dont mind, but he wants me to go with him.
sometimes i dont but tonight i did,cos he hates going by himself ahhhh.
i have a good one.... a really good one, sleep with me instead,..... i dont snore... DAMN IM EVIL!!!
the infamous one
love, like a rose in bloom .
all of the rainbow children will feel it soon .
2 the east, word traveled about this energy .
i wanted to write a song too, but its like 3 am... lol, i think maybe i should go to bed... but this is absolutely sick, theyre using their "famous brothers" to do their subliminal preaching... god damn them all
the infamous one
okay, to give a bit of background....i have posted my da letter on this board awhile ago.
of course, sent it to a elder.
and i get a call weeks later telling me they were gonna announce my daing to the cong.
I have no intention of examining those texts as it would be like asking information about Jews to Nazi S.S soldiers. () They would of course have nothing good to say about them
i just love how they are so freakin good at saying they dont want to argue other peoples points because it is pointless... it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they have no valid arguments for what is said... no its all about how its pointless cuz the other person is wrong and will nt listen to their "reason"... fuckin awesme tactic, when used well, but they use it every single time someone makes a good point... damn J-DUBS
the infamous one
i bought an unusual board/card game the other day.
in this game you play a train engineer driving trians to deliver souls to hell.
there are 7 levels of hell and the engineer that delivers the most souls to their right level of hell wins and is spared eternal damnation for one more day.
ferget aim
everyone get MSN MESSENGER... then we can talk all the time...
the infamous one
it seems that in modern times, it is not so much about what country you live in, as much as it is about the god you worship.
people within their own countries borders are fighting their fellow national citizen in the name of their god.
is this a sign that a religious war is coming or just an example of a ever growing populations growing pains?
watch, if the apocalypse doesnt come fast enough, the six million j-dubs will try to take over the world... Jehovah has changed his plans, it will be on the cover of every awake and watchtower... JEHOVAH WANTS YOU TO KILL THE WORLDLY PPL... that was his plan all along, thelight just got brighter people...
the infamous one
if you could ask one question of brooklyn, what would it be?
(pretend they are on the receiving end of a jc)
i would ask;
hey, how come you bastards cant answer a question without lying? and then watch as they pondered a way to steal my money too
the infamous one
tetragod vs infamousone.
both are hot.
both are strong.
yes maam.... u know you think you become ruler of the world, but really... women are really always in charge... and i didnt call you ladies biotches or hoes... i think yall are much too classy for that... i said that would be his post.... geez, ladies, so tempramental...
the infamous one
p.s. i do not pipe down, do not ask me to, i shall rule the world and when i do, u shall not tell me to pipe down, for if you do, u shall be sent to siberia... i could never smite a lady