GO 1975... maybe this is Jehpovah's paradise!!
the infamous one
GO 1975... maybe this is Jehpovah's paradise!!
the infamous one
i am a big fan of this series and have a couple of theories of what i think is happening and wondered what others thought, just wanting some insight.. one theory.
i think the people got on the plane and never actually crashed.
i think they were gassed and taken to a government (possible alien) location and their minds were feed the reality they think they are experiencing.
yeah ive heard the purgatory thing as well, but the writers have said that that is not it!!!
i think they crashed on an island, and theres fucked up things happening.. no sub plot... lol, that room thingy, the hatch, well there was a war on the island... the others are the only survivors... or maybe they found atlantis... ha ha
the infamous one (who loved it when boone said "of course hes one of the others... i guess it all depends on your perspective")
did my mother move to florida without so much as a phone call or a letter letting me know?
i found out from my ''worldly'' aunt, 4 months after she had already left.
she's back in town for the week.
i have a better realtionship with my ex gfs parents than i do with my own... if i were to talk to my father, it would escalate to either aggression, threatening or violence.... and we can just be talking about the weather... my poor mother still believes in the head of the house hold bullshit, so she supports him, and basically ignores me at all times, really deep down she feels guilty for allowing the beatings, shes a coward! my lil' sister is theony bright spot in my family, and i took many a beating for her sake... damn, i hate my dad...
the infamous one
Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid.
i guess its ok, cept i hate gods guts!!!
the infamous one
so god wants to share the gift of life and creates his son and myriads of other powerful, angelic creations to to share eternity with.
these are rational, intelligent self-aware individuals with awesome capabilities.
they can travel the universe in moments and are blessed by the literal presence of almighty god.. then he makes us and sticks us on a rock.
only two possible answers, hes an ass hole and likes to laugh as we suffer...
or he didnt create us, or angels and theyre all serving something that doesnt exist...
either way, im not worshipping him..
the infamous one
bwahahahaha... i just wish i had thought of that!! DAMMIT! where the hell am i gonna find a cardboard box at 1230????
the infamous one
a weird thing happened tonight.
i turned round in a bar and there was a girl coming the other way towards me.. so i said "oh i'm sorry", politely because i was in her way.. and she said to me "yeah, so you should be".. if a man had said that to me with the same snarled up look on his face i would have most certainly punched him,.
but i didn't, i just carried on past.. then i thought, how rude that was.
shes a shit head, just like god... lol, like father like son... ha ha ha ha oh yeah, thats sarcasm, shes just a bitch, unfortunately were all products of our environment, she prolly had a bitchy parent, a bitchy grandparent, a bitchy great grandparent.... so shes a bitch
the infamous one
does the watchtower society's rules and regulations promote healthy spiritual attitudes or do they have the opposite result?.
the reason i ask is because it seems as if many jw's i know are leading dual lives.. one life around jw friends and family and another hidden life when they are in places and situations where other jw's don't see them.
the honest truth is, its impossible not to lead a double life if you want to be a JDUB!!! i mean really, theyre not allowed to watch Austin Powers, not allowed to kiss, not allowed to have pre marital sex, not allowed to think for themselves, not allowed to listen to vulgar music, not allowed to further their education, not allowed to smile outside of the kingdom hall (and even then its risky), not allowed to eat bananas, not allowed to look someone of the opposite sex in the eyes, not allowed to breathe smoggy air....
theyre all liars, cuz they all HAVE to do things theyre not allowed to do because its inhuman to not do them.... i hate to say it, but i dont know any active jdubs who do not lie constantly and lead a double life.. maybe thats part of the cult...
the infamous one
well, it's just about 12:30am here in newfoundland right now, so north america is just reaching valentine's day.. to all of my fellow jwd-ers out there in north america who are just starting valentine's day, and to all of the jwd-ers in other parts of the world who are probably all done with it by now.... happy valentine's day!!.
whether you're sharing it with friends or family or a special someone, i hope everyone has a great day!!.
VALENTINES DAY IS THE DEBBIL!!!!! i hate it, its such a corporate holiday!!! grrrrrrrr.......
well, maybe im bitter cuz im lonely and single, and just found out lola is cheating on me with some ex cons.............
the infamous one ps. is it a coincidence that vd are the initials for the day of love and vanereal disease??? really is it???
so,... i'm new here...how does this site work?
can anyone give me some hints?
your sis,.
ola minha amiga... tristeza eh que aqui nao eh um site de testemunhas, pelos menos para voce... somos todos apostatas.... nao todos mas quaze... tenho pena de voce se estas procurando alguem para te falar de Jeova em uma maneira feliz e boa.... mas, se quizeres saber mais, eh uma boa ideia ler, porque nos todos temos muita informacao sobre a "organisacao de Jeova"...
the infamous one
(de portugal, mas vivendo em canada)