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Did Franz deliberatly alter the Bible?
by sleepy inits taken as certain by most that the new world translaion is the work of fred franz.. now there are some funny expresions and words he chose to use in that translaion , that most people dont normaly use.but these words and expresions have been turned into catch-phrases by the witnesse, did he choose certain words when others wold have been more accurate in order to do this?
(the expression jehovahs witnesses had already been taken from the bible and used as a "special" phrase).
i wonder more though,did old franz choose these words insead of more common expresions in order to use them to deliberatly make some parts of the bible you woldn't normally link?for example the use of the word time or times in daniel, luke and it really the same word that is used in tthe original language or could it be translated a different way, but "times" was used to make the link between them so it would fit in with their ideas on prophecy?are more instances of this in the new world translation?
by minimus inone of the major reasons people get attracted to the jw's is because of their new found "hope".
if you are disillusioned or are no longer a jw , do you feel that you still have hope?
or are you unsure, now, about alot of things?
The High Price of Watchtower Pretension
by metatron ini think we have entered an era where the future of the watchtower is threatened by the.
cost of its own pretensions.
declaring that everyone else is going to die at armageddon.
Reparations & Protest
by Larry inthis weekend i'm going to dc for the reparation march.
i know this is an highly volatile subject for some so i'm not even going to ask for opinions.
but, for the record here's my stand - i'm for reparations based on principle.
What will a JW do if the Watchtower changes.......
by JCISGOD98 insince the watchtower is known infamously for changing doctrine back and forth and they can't make up their minds at the headquarters, i was wondering about an important question that should be asked to every jehovah's witness that you may come across with.
what happens if the watchtower changes a doctrine that they now consider old light?
let me elaborate on this question.
Car Wars
by Crystal intoday i had my jeep towed into the shop..i dreaded the ride in with the driver (im extremly shy).
but we ended up haveing a great conversation about what vehicle i should buy next.. what a perfect person to ask cuz of his job.
he said "dont get another jeep they roll too easy and they catch on fire.".
The Rich Get Richer......
by VioletAnai in
i think you know where i'm headed with this....... i just don't understand how many praise our economic system and yet it leaves millions behind.
it denies many necessities from many people all for the sake of the comforts of the rich nations.
The Watchtower's Reverse Cleansing
by metatron infor years now, the wts leadership has been closing its collective.
eyes to the internal moral decay of the organization.
governing body all the way down to local elders, more and more.
How many hours are falsely reported?
by badboy inin the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
Is 1914 date flawed?
by badboy inreasoning from the scriptures says on pp95-97 that months consist of 30 days.. years therefore would be 360 days long.. i have calcaluted(sic)that for every year in the `western'calender such a 360 day calender would fall 4/5 days depending on whether it was a leapyear or not.
now over a period of 2520 years,a 360 day calender would be 9,940 days behind a 364/5 day calender(25 years!
) therefore 2520 years according to book of daniel would fall in 1889!.