No, I noticed that too. I like that also cause I am here for friendship, not sex! But I think it's cool for those who are single and looking to be able to chat and meet if they want too.
JoinedPosts by copsec
Is it just me or?
by Sassy init just dawned on me today that this board is not full of desperate women for men.
all the years i was on jw boards, it was crawling with sisters who were desperate for finding a man.
used to drive me crazy... all of a sudden i noticed today that it isn't like that here.. .
Do you remember where you were when Yellowstone erupted?
by Nathan Natas inis yellowstone worse than they say?.
yellowstone lake the u.s. geological service and the media have been super- conservative with their warnings about the yellowstone supervolcano.
but evidence is accumulating that the park is in big trouble because the vast volcanic region beneath its surface could be on a fast track to eruption.
I have not been to Yellowstone since 12 yhears ago. Then though, the only sulfur I smelled was around the mud pits and stuff. You could not smell it in the whole park. We did have a grizzly come within 2 feet from us though! Thank god we were sitting in our truck! It was pretty neat.
I might be going back to the evil empire....
by seattleniceguy inno, not that evil empire...god, no.. i'm referring to that large software corporation whose name rhymes with "fikrosoft.
" i got a couple emails this week asking if i was looking, and, well, i wasn't until i heard some of the details.
i just had an hour-long phone interview that went very well, and i'll be going in for an in-person interview on tuesday.
Good luck SNG!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!
Ticked off and lonely ( a rant)
by copsec inok, i am feeling sorry for myself so bear with me.
last weekend my girlfriend and i were going to finally have a "girl's night out.
" well, my husband went and invited himself along.
Ok, I am feeling sorry for myself so bear with me. Last weekend my girlfriend and I were going to finally have a "girl's night out." Well, my husband went and invited himself along. Don't get me wrong, we had a nice time but still...... So tonight, he asks me to drive him over to pick up his friend and take them and drop them off at the bar (hecannot drive due to some issues right now). I said, well am I coming with ya'll? He said no I want a night out to myself! SELFISH BASTARD! I wanted one last week but didn't get it! I took them cause I knew if I didn't he would be pissy towards me all night but I am ticked. I am a only 37, relatively nice looking and I feel like all I am for is to cook, clean, launder and help with bills! I cannot even say I am here for sex cause he hasn't been interested in that for quite awhile for some reason. I don't know if he is having an affair, having sexual problems or what. He says he's just tired. Whatever..... Anyways, I'm sorry for being a whiny pathetic baby when I am sure there are some with a heck of alot worse problems but as I said, I am feeling sorry for myself. My friends are all at work so I am stuck here at home by myself! WAAA!
All Time FAVORITE Singer Or Band
by minimus inwho or what is your all time favorite singer or band?
even if you never saw them, if you could---you'd spend big bucks to see them.
i love anita baker.
AEROSMITH!!!!!!!!! Steven Tyler is awesome! I go see them every year . This year I am hoping to do the Velveet Rope Experience where you get to go backstage and meet them and get front row tickets
WE WON!!!! E-A-G-L-E-S
by DevonMcBride in"fly eagles fly, on the road to victory.
"fight eagles fight, score a touchdown 1,2,3.
"hit 'em low, hit 'em high, and watch our eagles fly.
Okay Coon, I liked ya before that rude comment about St. Louis!!! LOL
Satanists have Longer Life Expectancy?
by shaii ini'm curious about which is the healthier choice: satanism or jehovahs witnesses?
it seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
I think anyone who devotes their life to any kind of religion is prolly not real healthy as they are too focused on being told what to do rather than on taking care of themselves.
Sore and bruised :(
by Vivamus ini am having the lousiest time ever!
two days ago, while my mind was still floating in sleep-wonder-land .. i got outta bed, walked to the stairs, and it went downhill from there.
Wow, your really having some bad luck! Hope things get better for you and you get some smooth sailing for awhile!
What Regrets Did You Have Because You Were A Witness?
by minimus inone of the biggest regrets a person might have is that they let their children become involved in the whole jw "thing".
you know---everything from the elders always cornering them to "investigate" something or even having the parents "turn in" their own there anything that you especially regret?
I regret that because I was a witness back in my prime years, I never got to pose for Playboy which is a secret dream of mine
Were your prayers ever answerd by Jehovah?
by micheal ini recall praying countless of times about very specific things, "worked in harmony with my prayers" and nothing.
anything that remotely seemed like an answer was either coincidence or my own determination to get it done.. so, how about you?
did jehovah answer your prayers or were you like me, did you feel very frustrated and guilty because they were never answered?
Hmm, I prayed every night for 8 years that my father would quit molesting me and finally when I was 12 and got my period he quit. Maybe that was the answer to my prayer??? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!