JoinedTopics Started by copsec
Are there any boards out there......
by copsec inwho are maybe made up of former jw's that would know what i was talking about if i made a reference to something once in awhile but that does not have so much jw related things on it like this one does?
don't get me wrong, i like this board and i like alot of the people here but i am just interested in more casual things than whats going on at meetings, what's in the new magazines, who is getting in trouble next, etc.
i still like coming here, just would like to know other options.
Does Anyone Know Why There Was a Special Meeting Called
by copsec ini heard from someone on another place i post that there was a special monday night meeting called last week.
does anyone know why?
just curious what kinda crap their shoveling at people now.
Ticked off and lonely ( a rant)
by copsec inok, i am feeling sorry for myself so bear with me.
last weekend my girlfriend and i were going to finally have a "girl's night out.
" well, my husband went and invited himself along.
I wonder why?
by copsec insomething i have always wondered when reading postings on various ex-jw sites is why some of us (myself included-who was a jw for 29 years) could care less about jw's or the fact i got kicked out.
the only reason i even come to these sites if it is nice to make fun of jw's along with others who get the joke.
and yet there are those of you who harp on the fact that people shun you, etc.
Biscuits and CHOCOLATE gravy?????????????
by copsec inmy husband and his family have a tradition of eating chocolate gravy on biscuits????
they say it is a southern thing as their mom ate it growing up in arkansas.
sounds gross to me and i refuse to try it.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
by copsec inanyone live there or been there?
is it great?
i am going for a week in february for a little r & r and really looking forward to it.
I'll try again, Missouri???
by copsec ini asked this several months ago so thought i would try again.
anyone on here from missouri or maybe arkansas, i have attended in doniphan, poplar bluff mo and corning ark
Why do you think......
by copsec inso many people who come out of the borg are so depressed and angry and freaked out?????
i have been out for 7 years now and i am happier than i have ever been in my life and was from the very first moment i left!
the only reason i even go into ex-jw groups is i like to make fun of them and other exs are the only ones who understand what i am talking about when i make a funny comment??
Since I am new....let's get to know one another
by copsec insince i am a newbie here i am just curious about everyone else on the group.
i live in missouri and have most of my life.
i lived in ca.
DeSoto or Doniphan, MO or Corning, ARK
by copsec in.
i was raised a witness (now disfellowshipped).
throughout my life i attended halls in corning, ark, doniphan, mo, desoto, mo and aransas pass, tx.