Well, I'm guessing that the reality of some of the posts here is based on personal experiences, and everyone's personal experiences are different. Not everyone behaves in the same way everywhere, so some events may have happened in some places but not in others.
I can give a few of my personal experiences, but I can't be sure of how universal they are. The JWs I've met are actually really nice people who are just like anyone else out there. They never once talked down to me or treated me like an inferior. But then again, we didn't talk religion, so I don't know how that would work out. I know that my JW boyfriend is the sweetest man on the face of the planet, he's everything a girl could ever ask for, but if I bring up religion, he closes up and gets all defensive. He even looks down on my favourite things, like birthday parties and Christmas (which he called "christmas silliness" and "some silly holiday"). But at least he doesn't tell me that I'm wrong all the time.
But here on this forum, I've been verbally attacked for my beliefs by a JW poster. He called me a "tree-worshipping, protestant pagan" because I celebrate Christmas (and other holidays). I haven't met a JW in person who behaves like this, but I've come into contact with one here at JWD.
Are all JWs like the ones I've been in contact with?? Probably not. I wouldn't call any of the posts here "slander", I'd call them all unique experiences. The JWs I know are inactive and not too involved with the WTS, though they still believe in the doctrines, but that's not to say that other people don't know ardent JWs who will stop at nothing to discredit other beliefs without ever examining their own.
Just like everyone else, JWs are different everywhere, and so are their families and congregations and the extent of their involvement. Just because you, personally, have never experienced any of the awful things that people post here doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, it just doesn't happen in your area or has never happened to you.
I'm sure there are people here with ulterior motives who just want to make JWs look bad, but I believe that most people here are sincere in their posts. I know I always am.
Just my two cents.
-Becka :)