Like your husband, I too am married to a woman raised as a JW (who since we've married has return to the organization). As well she is from another culture -- Latin American, her native tongue is different than mine -- Spanish, is of different ancestry and racial background (although you would never know it and she would be hard pressed to admit it); she has some indigenous South American blood.
When we were telling others we planned to be married, they all warned us of the difficulties we would face because of our cultural differences. That lifestyle and attitude in the U.S. was so different than that of Latin America. That things would be difficult because of this, and that we should be prepared for the difficulties ahead and be patient with each other. All in all, pretty good advice.
While their advice was good, and we've had some difficulties due to the previously mentioned issues, the single most disruptive thing in our marriage and relationship has been my wife's involvement with Jehovah's Witnesses. Their way of thinking, their intolerance, dogmatism, phobias, fears, isolationism, distrust of anything outside the organization, blind loyalty to the organization and anything published by the Watchtower, self-rightious superiority, and all the encumbent problems (rational, pyschological and emotional) that accompany these have caused us more problems than any other differences we might have -- culture, language, ethnicity, gender, etc. It so so alien to my way of thinking and who I am, far more so than her nationality, culture, or whatever other differences we may have. It can be extremely trying to find some common ground in which to meet.
So while your husband may have hurt your feelings or embarrassed you, he might well have been right on the mark as well. Being in a similar situation, I can certainly relate to what he said, although it probably would have been better said in private between just the two of you. There's no need to air one's dirty laundry in public or to cause someone you love undue embarrassment or pain.
Peace and blessings,