There's no need to fear...the "faithful and discreet slave" has it all figured out.
From the 8/8/1983 Awake entitled "Population control and World Government"
Almighty God as Creator brought into existence the first human pair. Therefore, Jehovah as supreme King displays loving interest in mankind and in solving their problems. One step he will take in this regard is ridding the earth of every government that exploits and menaces his honest-hearted children. (Daniel 2:44) In this way the natural resources of the entire earth can be used, aiding all of mankind, because God’s Kingdom will allow no self-interest groups in His worldwide family.—Isaiah 11:3-5; compare 65:21, 22.
How long will it be before mankind sees these benefits? It will be soon. The catastrophic events beginning with World War I and the threatening phenomena of this century are convincing evidence. Sincere Bible students see in these events the nearness of their deliverance by means of the Kingdom.—Luke 21:10, 11, 25-28.
Then overpopulation will not be a problem. Why? Because God’s original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled. The Bible clearly tells us: "Further, God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.’"—Genesis 1:28.
Note the divine mandate is to fill, not overflow, the earth. The earth is destined to be comfortably filled with mankind in proportion to its capacity for food production, ecological balance and reasonable population density. It is reasonable to conclude that when that point is reached the Creator of the human procreative power will regulate its use as far as the earth is concerned.
Then obedient and grateful mankind will be willing to cooperate with whatever new requirements may be expressed. (Compare Revelation 20:12.) There will be no population explosion to threaten mankind’s future existence. Only by God’s wisdom, as expressed through his Kingdom, can such a transformation be satisfactorily accomplished so that this earth will remain a beautiful "jewel in space."—Isaiah 55:8-11; Romans 16:27. everything is gonna be just fine!!! Since in their own words, no "self-interest groups" will be allowed, that rules out the entire WTS.