JoinedTopics Started by enlightenedcynic
Truth.......Embellishments......or Lies???
by enlightenedcynic init seems to me that a large majority of jw's believe that this is god's organization because they read all those experiences that are related in the watchtower mags and in the yearbooks, and then conclude that those could not have taken place without divine intervention.
not to mention all of the experiences that are related at assembly programs and district conventions.
are the experiences true?
The best way to judge the morale of a congregation / JWs in general?
by sir82 ini think the best way to measure how enthusiastic the publishers are is...the number of auxiliary pioneers, especially when there is a "big push" for such.. in any sufficently large population (such as jws), there's always going to be a core of "true believers".
in the jw world, these are the regular pioneers - devoted enough to put their lives on hold & financial security at risk to spend 70 or more hours per month knocking on empty houses & leaving magazines at laundromats & with hapless gas-pumpers.. likewise, there's going to be a group of less active ones, who are in it mainly for social reasons, or because their parents are forcing them.
these ones typically have the stigma of being "low hour publishers" or "spirtually weak" or (horrors!
They question/analyze everything- except the Watchtower
by OnTheWayOut inmany of you were probably the type to question everything or analyze everything, yet .
just accept whatever the wts says.
you broke out of that.
Anyone Remember the "Vet" in Philadelphia?
by Medic!? indoes anyone remember attending those horrid dc's in philadephia, pa at the old vet?
i remember the awful dread as the elders would so excitedly announce the upcoming dates.
does anyone remember how they urged us to "calmly line up to view the hotel list" because there were plenty of hotels (roachholes) and if this one sold out, that a new list would be put together?
A reminder on Shunning family members again in the January 15th Watchtower!
by Gill injanuary 15th watchtower 2007 'remaining steadfast when a child rebels'.
'when discipline is severe'.
'if your child is unrepentant and is a baptized christian, he may receive the strongest form of discipline - being disfellowhipped from the congregation.
Do elders and ministerial servants really put their family 1st?
by jambon1 inwhen i stopped going to meetings i immediately found myself spending more time with my kids.
no sunday/monday evenings preparing talks.
no fri/sat preparing the wt.
Racism in the Jehovah Witness Watchtower
by fokyc inhttp://www.progressiveu.org/161523-racism-in-the-jehovah-witness-watchtower.
"watchtower society members claim to be different and better than the worldly people that they refer to as bird food.
society members refer to non-witnesses as bird food because they look forward to the time when the birds will feast on the flesh of dead non-witnesses after armageddon.
The Governing Body said it ... are you ready !!!!!!!!!!!!
by run dont walk ini was at a funeral this weekend, the first time i'd been in a kingdom hall in 13 years, the talk was short about a half hour, and all jw stuff as expected, but the one part of the talk made me laugh, the speaker said :.
"we (a group of elders), had the oppourtunity to speak with a member of the governing body at the assembly, and he said : "we the governing body are confident that armageddon is close, and are ready for jehovah's day, are you ready ???"".
i couldn't believe my ears, they will never learn.
Elders Visits
by Jobees inone thing that i hear regularly is that once an individual is d-effed they are visited once a year by elders to see where they stand.
in 8 years i have not had one visit, and they know where i live.
is this how the elders are supposed to be?