I haven't seen it, but it's on my list............
he's popular down under too!
borat: cultural learnings of america for make benefit glorious nation of kazakhstan.
best freakin movie of the year in my opinion.
i laughed almost the whole entire 1.5hrs of playtime.
I haven't seen it, but it's on my list............
he's popular down under too!
it seems to me a common misconception amongst ex- jehovahs witnesses is that there will one day be an issue arises so big that it will pull the rug from under the watchtower bible and tract society bringing the whole edifice crumbling down.
revelations come and go, apostates jump from one hope to another.
expose after expose fail to cause more than a ripple on the tranquil jw pond.
G'day Unc
It attracts people rejected and with low self esteem. People who don’t imagine themselves worthy of forgiveness by grace let alone good enough to attain heavenly glory.
Not sure I agree with that, sure some people will have low self esteem, I think it attracts people who are looking for something, something more in their life, low or high self esteem
Fear, hope, snobbery and the JW class system being but some of the glues that bind
I can identify with all of the above, snobbery over how how much you/family has done in the org compared to others, snobbery over being a jw and thus superior to other false religions, but those things are often the glue that makes the whole thing come unstuck.
their new found Kingdom Hall culture isn’t about to give them or their offspring the tools to gain confidence and social standing.
Being born and raised witnesses I feel that the culture did foster self confidence, it was only later when I questioned things that I felt let down and betrayed and that gave my confidence a battering.
Anyway deep breath, and repeating my mantra from Kath and Kim.........."just let it go Kath, just let it go"..........always works a treat for me!
does anyone who was raised a jw and is now df'd of da'd celebrate all the holidays?
i do, and for the first time in my entire life i'm actually having a blast and so are my children.
at least my youngest child doesn't have to suffer the segregation all jw children surrender to due to the freakin' mind controlling gb and all there so called "god channeled" rules..
I've been faded 24 years now, celebrate everything, and have fun doing it! My JW mother wasn't very impressed when my youngest told her she went trick or treating the other night, still waiting for her to broach that subject with me............
well as i promised, i would have some halloween pics for you guys!!!!!.
i went as a bride for halloween....nothing scary but the dress was gaudy and tacky!.
drinking in the hotel........(yes the dress was a size 8 and my boobs didn't do well in it...lol).
Luv yer work ((((Brooke))))
hope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
I'd like to be part of it too
or as its known in england "give us yer stuff or we'll egg you".. it really isnt the cozy friendly 'kids get dressed up and chat to all the neighbours nicely' that it is portrayed on american tv (remember the et scene?).
i know you guys across the pond love haloween but imo its awful here.
youth crime goes up by 20% in the uk around haloween.. our version is way more menacing.
Halloween has not been very big in Australia, it's looked upon as an American tradition. People are surprised when I tell them that it was celebrated in Scotland..............(not by us though haha)
It is becoming more popular here now though, the shops have decorations and costumes for the kids, (they've recognised the chance to cash in!) My daughter and her friend dragged me out yesterday and bought some goulish accessories, and I bought some lollies and chocolate, My son and his friend stocked up on water baloons too, so we're ready for tonight's festivities.
i became a jw at age 28 and no way did i expect to ever get older than 40 years old in this system.. maybe at the extreme, i could have imagined being 45 years old, not more..
Born in 1960 I was going to slide down a giraffes neck in the new system. When all the 75 hype started I realised that at 15 I would be a bit big for the giraffe, but still bought it. I had some doubts at the beginning of '75 but swallowed them. By the end of that year I was pretty disallusioned but my parents "still toed the party line". I got out in 81 aged 21, couldn't do it anymore.
remember back in the 80s when olive oil was all the rage?
you had to cook or douse everything with it.
then the tv chefs started to notice its shortcomings - that extra virgin wasn't very good for frying (but great for dressings) or for use in mayonnaise.. remember when you could only cook with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils, otherwise you'd drop dead?
I know what you mean Stephanus. A friend sent me an email survey the other day, and on question was: "favourite new food" I replied that I didn't know they had invented any new foods recently..........although I guess the pressure is on chefs to come up with new ideas, and keep their customers from getting bored.
In our house olive oil has always been in flavour (greek husband!) But I have noticed that wasabi is being used a lot more, in non Japanese dishes.........
WASABI........love it, clears out the sinuses!
some of you may remember my mom was diagnosed with a rare disease that shrinks the brain.
(corticobasildegeneration) how i remember that is beyond me!
anyway, since she was diagnosed, they started out by taking her licence away about 3 years ago.
sorry you and your mum are going through this. You need to talk to the Dr, tell her what the family wants, if she doesn't like it then you need to get another doctor.
Best wishes
nobody ever said that the end was coming in 1975.. all the hype about this date that has continued all the way down through today came from a talk in the early 70's by fred franz.
in this talk, franz pointed out the significance of the 7 creative days and how they correspond with 1,000-year time intervals.. he then said, "could the end come in 1975?
there's so much wrong with jehovah's witnesses from their rigid legalism to their faux love, but let's call a spade a spade about the 1975 thing..
That's right.......keep telling yourself that
TM "Romy and Michelle's Highschool Reunion"