human nature is the description that you may wish to apply to a behavioural stereotype.
Is this the shortest answer that can be given?
What I mean is I think human nature is a term to describe your perception of someones behaviour rather than something intrinsically human as all humans can be capable of selfless love to mindless torture, it's just how you view it from your perspective at that time that makes it 'natural'
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
HUMAN NATURE: what the heck is it REALLY?
by Terry inwe all have a nature.
we are each born different from others in many respects.
our human-ness is conceptually the same, however, as we age our differences become more and more apparent.
A silly post......
by EC inbob and sue meet....bob says he loves sue and wants to marry her...sue's lawyer's step in and give bob a list of things that he has to do to show how much he loves sue:
1. you must go on 5 dates a week with her.
they will be predesigned and you will only be allowed to stay within the structure of those predesigned dates.
"He decides to cry in his beer at the local watering hole. While there he meets another sad sack who relates an eerily similar story to his own."
The sad sack became friends with Bob because of their common experiences. However the sad sack came to the realisation that while Sue seemed very desirable she just wasn't interested in him. He drank himself to death at that watering hole and nobody missed him. -
Are you supposed to enjoy field service????
by lucifer inare you supposed to enjoy field service?
find joy in god's work?
i hated service, hated getting up early, hated wearing dresses/skirts,hated bugging people early on the weekend, hated "preparing" for service (all i did was read the little blurb on the inside of the awake lol) hated being grouped with elder ihatecoffeebreaks and sister day brother ihatecoffeebreaks asked me why my time was dropping in service and i said "because i hate service" ( i mean i was taught to be honest right?
One CO at an ass. once said that after arma-gideon he was gonna kick his whitenessing bag as far as he could. What a brave man!
I enjoyed FS because I was told to. The masochism felt like some kind of atonement. -
JWs and depression
by jstalin inquestion:.
it seems that there is a high rate of depression amongst jws.
does the jw religion cause depression, or are depressed people drawn to the jws?.
I meant to say Hi to brigid and joyal!!!
I remember saying to someone in my congregation once that we seem to have quite a lot of 'odd' people in the truth and she replied that it was because we are the only ones who will have anything to do with them!!
But I think if you have a pre-disposition towards depression AND perfectionism you're in for a miserable time as a witness. You will NEVER do enough F/S, study, R/V's, prayer. Not only that, the quality will NEVER be up to scratch. You will add society imposed fear and stress to your already overburdened self esteem. And there is nowhere else to go but down. Suicide looks like a reasonable way out.
The love-bombed 'odd' don't have to worry because they are not aware that there is anything to worry about. -
JWs and depression
by jstalin inquestion:.
it seems that there is a high rate of depression amongst jws.
does the jw religion cause depression, or are depressed people drawn to the jws?.
Hi an welcome cheen and the other new ones too!
It may be different in your country but over here sharing your meds. isn't illegal, the problem is that letting someone else use an anti-depressant that isn't prescribed for them can pose a medical risk. Particularly if tri-cyclics are mixed with MAOI types. Each anti-depressant is prescribed to deal with particular symptoms that may not present in the other person.
Pete -
Chicago Pics!
by Jourles inwe're starting out early!
whyamihere, buttlight, and myself kicked off the meetup early at the brewpub along with seeing the panthers kick the crap out of da bears.
anyways, we are posting the pics from the bar and will be adding some more as the night moves along.
I have gazed upon the faces of Satan *hic*
apostates - all liars - generalizing
by stillajwexelder inone thing that really pisses me off and stops me "coming out" as an apostate is that, if somebdoy becomes an apostate they are automatically liars in the eyes of jws.
every time apostasy is mentioned in magazines it is always in the context that they are automatically liars.
to my mind, most apostates are evry truthful, but the wtbts/ rank and gfile etc , automatically brand you as a liar when you become an apostate and it really angers me.
stilla this is something I'm thinking a lot about lately. I've disappeared for 10 years, but as far as I can tell none of the Witnesses knows about my apostacy. The thing is, that if done carefully, leaving the org. could have a beneficial effect on getting others out.
Notwithstanding all sorts of personal and family reasons to just 'get out' and be done with it there must be some way of influencing right-minded others.
I don't know but perhaps what is required is the personal skills you develop as a Witness to subtly undermine long held beliefs and to rattle the sense of security many have. This would mean being something of a 'snout' or 'sleeper' for an extended period of time. A person that could run with the rabbit and hunt with the hound as it were.
Obviously Witnesses are instantly alert to overt apostacy and dodgy thinking so simply confronting them with facts just isn't going to work most of the time.
Bit of a ramble as I was writing as I was thinking, but can someone pick up the thread of this idea??
Love to hear your thoughts.
Pete -
Are Jehovahs Witnesses Invisible Christians?
by truthseeker inare jehovahs witnesses invisible christians?
having just read david kupelians book the marketing of evil, i find it both intriguing and compelling.
isnt the above true of jehovahs witnesses also?
Bugger!! truthseeker, I battled through the first post with my teeth gritted! I should have scrolled down!! HA HA.
Very interesting point of view, thanks. -
Sharing the Joy... of Open Mindedness, and Apostasy
by RichieRich ini work with a few young witnesses.
actually, they work for me.
but that's not the point here.
"just proceed with caution, she may get a conscience and cause some trouble for you."
Yep, Almostatheist spotted it. You're a dirty, rotten sneaky blackmailer Richie!!You're too good for the borg.
Actually, I was just thinking that it must be as exciting as getting a Bible study out of incidental witnessing. ( bad analogy).
From the sound of it I'll bet 'reexamine' wasn't the only text you sent to this wee lamb!
Pete -
How many did you "bring in"
by slugga incredit to
how many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, daing or getting df'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
two that I can remember. I think on my first post here I apologised to any I may have influenced.
I still feel ashamed as both of them had to put up with some pretty heavy stuff at a very vulnerable time.
I was responsible for putting them through it and I thought I was doing a great thing!
I really need to find them and apologise personally. Has anybody else done this? Would it make matters worse?