Hey osmosis, we liked your last topic better!
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
A new cult idea -- or is it
by osmosis in.
i've been thinking.
some of us may remember getting to celebrate christmas, and i wonder if any of those remember being told by adults to go to bed early christmas eve, so santa would be there sooner.. why not start one of those suicide cults based on the same premise, if we all kill ourselves the new system will be here sooner.. or has this been done already..
As a member of the governing body you must do as I tell you. I fire blanks.
you wont believe it if I tell you now
by moa ini am who i am that is my name, born among you as the son of mankind, my name i know it now for sure is jehovah
So.........what DID happen to all the moas?
It's High Time I Introduce Myself
by Lady Liberty init's high time i introduce myself.
i feel like i know many of you already, just by daily reading your posts over the last year.
you all have been a support to my husband and i, even though you were not even aware we were even here.
Thrilling stuff LL! Welcome!!
The UN scandal was the initial shock for me, but more recently I've become fascinated by the fantasy date of 607.
Pete -
Lyrics that make you think
by lostlantern ini am listening to sinead o'connor and one song really struck a cord with me.
i just finished 'crisis of conscience" and i have a lot of thoughts in my head about the governing body, organization, etc.
this song today made me think of the organization.sinead o'connor.
The two Jethro Tull ones had often stuck in my mind.
Also from Submarine Bells by The Chills, the song Familiarity Breeds Contempt;
Hard people make hard times far worse,
Not the reverse. -
Feelings for ex-significant others
by kristyann ini have not been on much lately, but i have missed so many of you!.
okay, everyone, this doesn't really have much to do with jws... it's more just a personal "problem" of mine.
so if you're not interested, just don't bother reading it... don't read it and then tell me how boring it is.
Well, kristyann, if unclebruce isn't going to discharge his responsibility because he's been up too late then it will have to be me.
Seems like there's nothing too unusual in your feelings about 'Greg'. The passage of time deadens the bad memories and leaves us with nostalgia, a certain smell or piece of music can give you back a sanitized memory of how things were.I tell everyone about my beloved Mk3 Cortina S\W but I sure as hell don't want the damn thing back!
Now the growly bit; Your post did seem a little self-centred. It was very much how HE made you feel, He said you were much hotter and He messed up in other ways, for example. The way you speak says 'nostalgic infatuation'. Leave it in the past! Stay loyal to your boyfriend and base it on mutual respect, not because you think he deserves you and had better keep his nose clean.
Now serendipity said;"For example, a lot of women are attracted to the bad boys who are exciting, unpredictable and add tension to the relationship. ; Then nice boys seem tame and boring by comparison."
I see this all the time! Why, why, why do so many women latch on to these guys and then wonder why they never change their attitude and the whole thing goes pear-shaped?? Do women want hard drinking, hard fighting, exciting men or a man that cares for and protects them and looks after himself? What goes through your mind when you fall in love with these kind of guys?
Take care
Pete -
German Nutter
by Dr Jekyll in.
this kid needs a straight jacket.
"Do people downunder behave differently?" asked germanxjw.
Yes, the complete reverse of everyone up over! -
Attacking Satan by drawing scary pictures
by hallelujah in.
i was watching pictures of the stampedes at the haj and it occurred to me that throwing stones at the pillar of satan was a really ineffective way of dealing with evil in the world.
it occurs to me that drawing scary pictures of satan in the watchtower is similarly ineffective in combating evil.. any thoughts?
Brilliant Robert, I love funny captions!
German Nutter
by Dr Jekyll in.
this kid needs a straight jacket.
It's a covert image of unclebruce preparing a simple post for JWD OR....
Joseph Goebbels great grandson relaxing in front of a snuff movie OR...
a JW kid who's had 8 weeks to prepare a No. 4 talk deciding to do it with 15mins. before the meeting starts. -
New here,i hope someone might help,my abuser hung himself
by Linzlou24 inhi,ummm ive just discovered this site and im not sure why im even writing this but im at rockbottom and i dont know how feel,maybe im just searching to find someone who might understand and help me understand because i feel so alone and ashamed,confused and sad,even people might find me bad because of how these events turned...but im not bad inside,ive always been such a soft caring person at heart,im a good person just always been lost,alone and confused....ill try not babble too much but from the beggining dad was here one minute,not the next and then not at all,to this day still never bothers,mum remarried when i was about 4,this was the guy who sexually abused me at 7,{mum never knew},they had a baby together...i found my brother dead in his cot,he died from cotdeath,and it was just all downhill from there with my life,that was after my brother i was abused by him....they split when i was around 8 and i guess my mum looking back now on it now just went on her own mission but it wasnt easy for me,she fell for another guy and we moved from one place to the next,every time i started a new school and made friends,it was time pack up and go and start all over.....
mum settled again and remarried a third time when i was around 12,id started a new high school,maybe its just those teens but i went off the rails with mum,i was terrible,didnt mean to be,but i blamed her for all my hurt and life and id rebel at everything,drinking started,running away started and i just wish now i could have felt close when alls i wanted was to love and be loved back...the next bit until now{im 25 now} is what is killing more than ever and id very much appreciate your thoughts because im lower than ever and still scared....mum is very much here in my life now...its only been a few months but shes heartbroken and the love and understanding has been tremendous off her,she blames herself but i blame me.....
when i started the new highschool i met this girl,she became my friend at the time and it was so good to have a friend id do anything she said....anyway she needed some money once and said i know this guy you can come to with me and he will pay you to touch your boobs,thats when it started i agreed because if i said no then shed probably laughed at me,so i went....,it sounds strange{he was nearly 50} but he was very very nice,and said i dont like the person whos brought you up here,shes nasty...,i hated him touch me but i was scared....but at same time i felt i could really trust him,me and this girl never did stay friends....theres another big big part in all of this,but from 13 this guy became the bestest friend i ever had in my whole life,but everything was a big secret,its lasted years...he had an hold over me,though i knew he was supposed be my friend i knew he musnt really be one else he wouldnt put me through the torture of crying and not coping when i had my baby...my babe is 8now but still when i let him touch my boobs so i can buy the best part of my life something nice or take him somewhere that man would buy bigger and better and undermine all my hurt....
That's good news linzlou. Let us know what the doctor had to say. Has counselling been set up?