Looking-Glass --
How about this? I went on two (yep, I'm a sucker for a good time) of those Bethel bus trips (from hell, I might add ) and the trip was arranged by a couple in my KH. They would charter the bus, secure the rooms, etc. Many years later I was chatting with their daughter about these trips and she told me that they--without disclosing this to anyone signing up for the tour--figured out the price for bus and hotel and then added whatever dollar amount they deemed appropriate for their services and then presented a "total package price" to the participant. They ended up getting to go all expenses paid with spending money to boot.
Mind you, they were not travel agents -- just people who figured out a new way to scam. But of course all of the JWs believe that ALL JW's are extremely honest and no one ever questioned exactly how the package price was calculated.
Now, that's what I call "making money off dubs in the name of jehoobie!!!"
I think I'm gonna set up one of those souvenir stands like they have outside the Vatican right outside the gates of Brooklyn. Then when the pilgrims come to visit the hallowed ground they can buy t-shirts, GB bobble heads and other trinkets. Anyone in?