In Revelation, according to the GB/WT/FDS, Jesus is "Jesus", "Michael", "Abaddon", "A lamb", "The Alpha and the Omega", "The Beggining and the End".
Six characters in search of an actor.
... btw it was soooo boooorrrinnng!!!
draw close to jehovah(tm)/bookstudy:.
excruciatingly boring.
In Revelation, according to the GB/WT/FDS, Jesus is "Jesus", "Michael", "Abaddon", "A lamb", "The Alpha and the Omega", "The Beggining and the End".
Six characters in search of an actor.
"...disney land... eating meals together... skin tight "metro-sexual" clothing...".
is this the kind of speech a 'world-class' spiritual leader would present?.
imagine martin luther king during his 'i have a dream ' speech subjecting his listeners ears to these trivial, mundane topics.. .
I forsee a mash-up of the TMIII video clip above, with one of the cleverly edited sign language masturbation videos.
new essex bethel plans include.... "its accommodation, predominantly for young members, would resemble a university campus but "nicer".
erghhhh..... don't become a lawyer or an engineer, a doctor or a nurse or a teacher.... come spend 3 years working for us at our factory for free.
look we have wifi...(no porn!).
nudge, nudge...
my facebook was "lit up" today with all the out cries about the possibility of the organization's website being banned in russia.. as many of you recall this past august a court in russia banned the website and sought to make accessing the website in russia illegal.
well tomorrow the appeal by the org will be heard in court.
if the appeal is denied, will no longer be available in that part of the world, causing endless lamentations and cries of "persecution", only to bolster the idea that they are truly hated by the world because they are true christians.
my facebook was "lit up" today with all the out cries about the possibility of the organization's website being banned in russia.. as many of you recall this past august a court in russia banned the website and sought to make accessing the website in russia illegal.
well tomorrow the appeal by the org will be heard in court.
if the appeal is denied, will no longer be available in that part of the world, causing endless lamentations and cries of "persecution", only to bolster the idea that they are truly hated by the world because they are true christians.
So, compromise is a viable option!
In his speech, Gerry Simonson said that "Jehovah's Witnesses" do not deny the fact that the site had posted the materials prohibited for distribution in Russia.However, upon recognizing their extremist they are still judged in the case is currently before the Court. Meanwhile, the organization is always in compliance with the laws of Russia, and now all prohibited materials removed from the site.More precisely, especially for Russia created "mirror" of the portal, where there are no controversial books and publications. So he asked me not to close the whole site completely so as not to deprive the faithful the opportunity to read other non-extremist materials posted on it.
praise jah, my awake education must have finally paid off.
no more living from paycheck to paycheck for me!
what a relief.
But - not to swipe your shine - can you match these "education" credentials?
there's an interesting medicolegal issue arising out of tx, a pregnant women who suffered a pulmonary embolism in november and died (when she was 14 weeks pregnant).. however, the body has been kept on life-support all this time (against her and her husband's wishes), due to an ambiguous tx state law (tex hs.
code ann.
166.049) which actually blocks the ability of the patient and family to decide:.
Regarding the wide-reaching reputation of the State of Texas:
In this country, there is a commonly used saying - after hearing of some entirely crazy, wild, too-unbelievable-to-be-true situation, event, or act... "That is so Texas!"
there's an interesting medicolegal issue arising out of tx, a pregnant women who suffered a pulmonary embolism in november and died (when she was 14 weeks pregnant).. however, the body has been kept on life-support all this time (against her and her husband's wishes), due to an ambiguous tx state law (tex hs.
code ann.
166.049) which actually blocks the ability of the patient and family to decide:.
Not even the husband, who by his own words keeps talking to his wife as if she is alive. This would mean that he has seen her as a patient - not a cadaver. On the one hand she's declared dead - but on the other hand she's spoken to as if she's alive.
Not necessarily the case: I have seen people sit by a cemetery headstone, and talk "to" a deceased relative in a conversational tone, being under no illusion that the deceased is alive and present. The body (in this instance) is just a physical point of reference for the 'idea' or memory of the widower's dead wife.
ladt night i was talking to a coworker who's sister is a witness in my old hall, and i needed some asprin after listening to this.. how can this be tolerated by people who believe that they alone speak the truth ?.
a young couple ( early 30's) had two children, and they adopted another boy from the inner city, so they have three boys under the age of 13.. the father is a construction worker, and mom works pt doing various jobs.. as a babysitter they use the respected teenaged son of a very prominent elder.
well, the parents breakup.
"they adopted another boy from the inner city."
Is this code for something? I don't understand the connection.
during our engagement, we fooled around and touch each other down there.
it's not a "tap" but definitely is not "stimulation".
i tried to convince my wife, who, after 5 years of marriage, strangely felt guilty all the sudden, that its not do called porneia.
Ah! So the difficulty with restraint and self-discipline runs in the family, does it?