Well if those copper looking things outside Solomon's temple aren't phallic symbols then I'm a monkeys uncle
Definitely a P.O.V. (point of view) interpretation: my first thought was, "Hmm, dried poppy flowerpods atop some very hefty stalks." Maybe I just see more of flowers than of the other.
About the Solomon's-temple-video music: it was a tad creepy how after a scant 2 minutes into the video, I had the words to those 'kingdom melodies' scrolling through my mind... although I haven't been in a situation to hear them in approximately 14 years!
ok, i'm sure all of us have met some incredibly bizarre jws over the years --- i have met some that could have been characters in a movie...just unbelievably weird.
i've shared some of my stories with a good friend (non jw) and she swears i'm making this stuff up.
I knew a sister who would intentionally wear unmatched earrings. Very amusing!
Weirdness? I don't know... maybe hers was simply an early effort at self-expression, a mild attempt to throw off the bonds of conformity and conservativism at the KH. Who knows? That maverick might be sporting full-body tattoos and multiple (unmatched) piercings by now!
this is a judicial meeting recording from the mid-80's, where rick and laverne townsend were brought up on charges of apostasy.
listen to the calm manner in which they refute the elders (especially 607 and 1914) and how the elders get evasive and dodge questions and pretty much bring up nothing biblical.
In listening to that recording of the JC, I was struck by the abysmal lack of respect accorded to Laverne Townsend as a subject of/participant in the proceedings. Almost her every attempt to respond to a question or to address an issue raised was talked over roughshod or interrupted by the elders. As a further demonstration of how unimportant they considered her presence (as though she were merely an unnecessary appendage of her husband... the only real subject of their enquiry), they continued to conduct those super-important proceedings (her disfellowshipping meeting) in her absence... when she left to go to the toilet [to change the tape in her recording device]. I suppose it can be summarised thus: AS IN, SO OUT. How do self-respecting women continue to bear up under the blatant snubs of Watchtower Society hierarchy? Is it possible for their self-esteem to thrive under such abasing conditions?
Do you remember how thrilled and impressed you were when reading the personal accounts (in the Yearbook and [old] bound volumes of the Watchtower and Awake) of JWs who defied local authorities to communicate the Society’s writings to persecuted members of the faith? Some smuggled newsletters or single pages of the Watchtower to the inmates of prisons or concentration camps by baking them into loaves of bread or by sewing them into the lining of their clothing.
Weren’t you awed by their resourcefulness and determination to ‘feed’ and encourage their much put-upon brethren? I was.
Now is your opportunity to imitate the spirit of those true believers and to let the truth trickle into the hands of current captives. Activate your resourcefulness! Might the effort be labour-intensive and the act risky? Certainly! However, the reward may be twofold: 1) you may bring refreshing waters to those that thirst, and healthful food to those that feed - but are not satisfied; 2) you will be able to write and share your own personal experience from our correspondent in _______ right here on JWD, and thus thrill and impress another audience of faithful readers.
So, go ahead and be creative: Do you know that the KH in your area uses toilet paper rolls in the loo? Equip yourself with 1 or 2 rolls from your household stock (of recycled paper, please!), carefully unroll a few square at a time and tape your click-print-clip (CPC) currency/cheques thereto throughout the roll (judiciously spaced, of course… you will want to get these little gems into the hands of as many different loo-goers as possible). Then – just as carefully – re-roll your loo-rolls and smuggle them into the KH in a large handbag or otherwise-empty briefcase (a little squashing won’t hurt the product), pay a visit to one or two cubicles in the Ladies or Gents and deposit/install your contribution for easy access. With every jerk and tear of the roll, let your light shine forth like the brightness of the full moon above, and let it illuminate [the writing on the wall (e.g., “JWD was here”) for] those sitting in dark places!
Can you think of other ways to place your creativity and intelligence in the service of the truth on the 12 th ?
hi,ummm ive just discovered this site and im not sure why im even writing this but im at rockbottom and i dont know how feel,maybe im just searching to find someone who might understand and help me understand because i feel so alone and ashamed,confused and sad,even people might find me bad because of how these events turned...but im not bad inside,ive always been such a soft caring person at heart,im a good person just always been lost,alone and confused....ill try not babble too much but from the beggining dad was here one minute,not the next and then not at all,to this day still never bothers,mum remarried when i was about 4,this was the guy who sexually abused me at 7,{mum never knew},they had a baby together...i found my brother dead in his cot,he died from cotdeath,and it was just all downhill from there with my life,that was after my brother i was abused by him....they split when i was around 8 and i guess my mum looking back now on it now just went on her own mission but it wasnt easy for me,she fell for another guy and we moved from one place to the next,every time i started a new school and made friends,it was time pack up and go and start all over.....
mum settled again and remarried a third time when i was around 12,id started a new high school,maybe its just those teens but i went off the rails with mum,i was terrible,didnt mean to be,but i blamed her for all my hurt and life and id rebel at everything,drinking started,running away started and i just wish now i could have felt close when alls i wanted was to love and be loved back...the next bit until now{im 25 now} is what is killing more than ever and id very much appreciate your thoughts because im lower than ever and still scared....mum is very much here in my life now...its only been a few months but shes heartbroken and the love and understanding has been tremendous off her,she blames herself but i blame me.....
when i started the new highschool i met this girl,she became my friend at the time and it was so good to have a friend id do anything she said....anyway she needed some money once and said i know this guy you can come to with me and he will pay you to touch your boobs,thats when it started i agreed because if i said no then shed probably laughed at me,so i went....,it sounds strange{he was nearly 50} but he was very very nice,and said i dont like the person whos brought you up here,shes nasty...,i hated him touch me but i was scared....but at same time i felt i could really trust him,me and this girl never did stay friends....theres another big big part in all of this,but from 13 this guy became the bestest friend i ever had in my whole life,but everything was a big secret,its lasted years...he had an hold over me,though i knew he was supposed be my friend i knew he musnt really be one else he wouldnt put me through the torture of crying and not coping when i had my baby...my babe is 8now but still when i let him touch my boobs so i can buy the best part of my life something nice or take him somewhere that man would buy bigger and better and undermine all my hurt....
First, you've landed in a soft place here - on this website. I've seen JWD Posters in action, and they can be shade from the sun, cool water to parched lips and even a cyber-hug when you need one. It sounds like you need one now! {{{Linzlou24}}}
Second, black-and-white thinking will, indeed, curdle your thoughts; e.g., was he evil because he abused you as a young girl or was he worth saving at all costs because he represented a stable 'friendship' when you had no place else to turn? Equally curdling is to believe that you are responsible for his decision (to escape authoritative consequences for his past actions through suicide), or that you could have saved his life by keeping silent about the abuse.
Remind yourself, rather: You made a decision which may spare the innocence and sanity of other young girls who might have become future victims; He made a decision which, effectively, does the same. You no longer need take his feelings into consideration as you work on your own recovery. I do hope you reach out to find stability and support from an experienced and wise counselor, even as you seek friends to help you through this time.
P.S.: I wanted to post this request as a New Topic, but have already reached my 24-hour/2 topics limit. Please - anyone - feel free to give this request its own topic space!