Thanks for tipping this one, TruthSetsOneFree. I read the blog you linked, and was appalled by the uncalculated arrogance of the blogger in this passage:
The previous owner of the boat brought us to our first island. We asked to go to a “Christian Island.” We met the chief of the village (usually oldest male), and asked for permission to give it to the families on the island. He had no problem.
Things were going well, until the local “pastor” on the island tracked me down with 3 other men, while I was in a hut talking with a local.
Now this was fun. I have been in Indonesia a month and a half, I don’t know where the other 2 brothers are and I got an upset Indonesian speaking “WOMAN” pastor after me.
-Basically she was mad that we did not come and consult her and ask permission to talk to her “flock.” She also knew Jehovah’s Witnesses, and does not like them. It’s amazing here in Indonesia the tainted, falsified reputation that Christian religions have given JW’s.
So I read Matthew 28:19,20 and explained Jesus said, “GO.” Or Indonesia “PERGILAH”
She wasn’t having that, then she said “I am the one who ‘controls and oversees, the people on this Island.’
I’m not having that. I’m sorry. I told her, “YOU CONTROL?” I thought Jesus was head of the congregation? I’m not head over anyone, nor can I convert, change, or dictate what a person does? You can though? Be very careful. Then I read Ephesians 5:22,23 about proper subjection of Christ, the congregation and a woman.She then apologized…
It was funny, the other 4 guys in the house starting smiling and chuckling a little bit. When it was all said and done, there was no hard feelings, but the 4 men, were really happy! They must have been glad to hear the scriptures talking for themselves.
Then, this passage provides the key to the organisational/congregational policy of keeping faithful JWs undereducated, ambition-less, and underachieving:
Nearly all of the people have next to nothing financially. Were talking less the $10.00 US for life savings. Everyone is so friendly and happy with nothing. You can see the truth in Jesus words “KEEP YOUR EYE SIMPLE.” They fish to eat. Bathe outside at a well with the whole village. All eat their meals together. Always sit around and play music at the opportune time. Their all about sitting and friendly conversation. It was going back in time. Their homes are all made of large sticks that run down into the sand basin below.
[...] It’s the way life should be. Never thinking about money. Never busy, or stressed about events. Weddings, is for the whole village, and all of family. No invitations, all are welcome. The little boys and girls grow up together, play, go to school, fall in love and get married from the very same village. Everything is made by hand. Families mean family. All live together. They all sleep in a living room together when guests visit. All work together for cleaning, helping out. Men bring home the fish or squid. Different women will prepare, different will clean up later. When a guest visits always focus on them first.
It’s almost as if the Mosaic law is still in operation, mixed with the Christian way of love, giving, and simplicity, but following the teachings of Mohammed. It really is something. You see soooo many areas and principles in the Western world that we lack in, all summed up together in these villages of old women who are missing teeth, and little children who run around with no shoes… The combined income of these villages on these remote islands could not even pay our taxes on our home, or our are car insurance for 6 months. YET they are HAPPY.
There you have it: the key to happiness is to live just above the starvation level!