why do you want to be a jw? do you believe it is the only true religion..despite the false prophicies? you seem to want to be a jw..no matter what. that in itself could be a danger.
imho, our salvation does not come down to what group or church we are connected too, it is a personal one-on-one deal. look at paul..he was pretty much on his own, tho he had folks helping him out, he reported to no persons or group or body of elders....or do i have this wrong?
what does God want from us? what is His will for our lives? to be a member of a church or group who CLAIMS to be the right religion?'
but any group who tells you to shun those no longer members or that ALL of the rest of the world is evil and wrong has a few problems..namely control. what does that have to do with GOD?
and to label us as apostates without knowing us shows the degree of brainwashing you have succumbed to. i know, i was that way at one time too.
and why do you not believe in blood?? it's coursing thru your viens as we speak..
where is the freedom you should experinece as a christain...you are on the fence my friend
JoinedPosts by crittersitter
new here..want to say hi
by crittersitter injust want to say hello, am so glad to find others like myself, no longer a jw, but still lovin god in spite of being killed in armageddon, and having family shun me.
when i was a party girl and had no spiritual desires, there was always a chance that i'd "see the light" and go back to jdub land, but since i have become a (dare i say it???)......
a plain old gospel reading christain...i am lower than dirt..apostate scum...buzzard snack(when jehovah kills me during the trib).
ain't it kewl when GOD does that? he did me that way when i dared to go to a church..pentecostal type..WOW, praise and worship!!!! no pink song books. i was amazed at pepole showing so much emotion, i was a reserved yankee x-jw...and we never got excited abut GOD.
knowing HIM is the best thing that ever happened to me. too bad my family thinks i'm demonic and possesed. i rather weep for joy and wave my arms in praise(took awhile to get there tho, had alot of old indoctrination in my head) than be all dour and sour faced at the kh, waiting for armagedon to hit. -
shunning and family members
by crittersitter ini have 3 sisters still in the org.
is it still called the "org"?
2 of them maintain no contact, one because i'm an evil apostate, the other is two faced about it(nice on the phone 2x a year, but does not let anyone know about the contact) the 3rd is pretty cool about it, we e-mail alot and i call monthly( all live 1200 miles away).
in a wierd way i'm comforted in knowing i'm not the only one done this way by jw family and friends. actually , i cannot claim any jw friends.
i was nver da'd or d'fd, but just kind off drifted off into oblivion. when i really needed help, the elders would not help. but they did call on occasion to see if i would go back to meetings. the sad part is i had 4 small kids, stuck in a "holler" in tenn. no car, husband who was a lousy provider and alcholic to boot( always had beer money, but the electric meter got yanked off the house many times)
i remember after we moved to this place(i hated it there so much) that i got to the tues. book study, after much hassle(kids, car, long drive) now mind you my kids were not perfect, but a dirty look from me would stop them in their tracks.
the study was held in the home of an older couple(elder and pioneer wife) whose gorgous home was out of a magazine. i was as entranced as my kids were, but made doubly sure they never left my side.
so after the study was thru, this loving sister took me aside and i thought she was about to compliment me and my well behaved brood( as often happened believe it or not) but ,alas, she quietly suggested i attend the book study at the hall.it would be more suited for my children and myself to attend. you know, easy accsess to potty, other children. i was never so crushed. needless to say i never went back, and the hall was 15 miles further out.
this has pretty much been the way it was my whole jw life. but i do have to say, that i would love to see these ppl now, and show them the true agape love i have learned. it ain't been easy, and some days it's a struggle to not get mad about the past, but i'm learning to get over it. they all have the same problems we do, just complicated by stupid jw'isms that make a hard life worse. -
shunning and family members
by crittersitter ini have 3 sisters still in the org.
is it still called the "org"?
2 of them maintain no contact, one because i'm an evil apostate, the other is two faced about it(nice on the phone 2x a year, but does not let anyone know about the contact) the 3rd is pretty cool about it, we e-mail alot and i call monthly( all live 1200 miles away).
i have 3 sisters still in the org. is it still called the "org"? 2 of them maintain no contact, one because i'm an evil apostate, the other is two faced about it(nice on the phone 2x a year, but does not let anyone know about the contact) the 3rd is pretty cool about it, we e-mail alot and i call monthly( all live 1200 miles away). she is in a bad marriage, is planning on leaving some day so is working and scrimping to prepare for that day. i do not think she is a regular meeting goer any more, due to her work load and 3 kids.
they all cling to jw-ism mostly because of my noe deceased mum, who raised us in it. one sis told me she would always be a jdub, because that is the heritage mum left her....
i have e-mailed a few things to them concerning jw misinformation, which they never responded too, but heard it caused a little grief.
when i became a christain, my mum thought that was worse than being a muslim, from her reaction. she cried on several shoulders i think, because at her funeral, i got the coldest most unloving reaction from many who knew me all my life.
funny thing, my two brothers, one who was baptized years ago, who have NOTHING to do with any religion( or GOD sadly) were welcomed with open arms and comforting hugs.
it's pretty tuff to loose a parent, and be treated like a ... i don't even know what... i'll never forget approaching a couple who studied w/ my mum and they literally turned from me, leaving me standing there, but going to my siblings and hugging them
my hubby was there and could not believe that people who claim to be christains could act so evil.ok...i feel better
got it off my chest thanx -
by STRUGGLE inhello, i was reading judical com.
was really suprise to find out how some of jw's feel.
some have, like the single mom, have such a negative experience with them.
i agree with thinker, as far as GOD and our relationship to HIM is concerned. it's based on our relating to HIM and HIM alone. i really do not think a church or org. is needed, however we do need the fellowship of like minded ones who are seeking the LORD.
i personally love going to church and the one i go to is filled with great people. i miss on occasion due to what ever but feel no guilt when i do, unlike when i was a jw. i can have contact and fellowship when ever i want to with my FAther. don't gotta do no watchtower study to worship my GOD!!!!
i never did study real hard..i could scan a paragraph , underline it, highlight a few quotes and be done in 20 min. most of the books were sooo boring, there was no challenge to read them, as i love to read and do it alot.
but, the bible is a whole new realm for me since i met JESUS. it's exciting, new, eye-opening and hope full('cept the geneology parts..yawn)
i think when we sin and disobey our CReator, we know it, and don't need a committee of men to rake us over the coals, digging for dirt in our lives. the coolest thing i ever learned was that GOD truely forgives us, and it's between HIM and us..not 3 guys in a kh back room
and having HIM in our hearts makes us want to please Him and do better, though we are sinners, but that's why Jesus died for us... a perfect plan!!!happy new year all
new here..want to say hi
by crittersitter injust want to say hello, am so glad to find others like myself, no longer a jw, but still lovin god in spite of being killed in armageddon, and having family shun me.
when i was a party girl and had no spiritual desires, there was always a chance that i'd "see the light" and go back to jdub land, but since i have become a (dare i say it???)......
a plain old gospel reading christain...i am lower than dirt..apostate scum...buzzard snack(when jehovah kills me during the trib).
thankyou rhw
i think i have found an on-line home..all the other sites seem to be closing or getting "hacked" to death. i have no jw friends and only one blood sister speaks. being known in the community as an ex jw and now a christian does not yield a lot of jw friends. how ever being free to go to church and get excited about what GOD has done in my life( and others) and being able to love those who are not of the same faith has opened up so many doors for me. it is sad though, when former jw friends turn and run, i just want to embrace them and tell them there is soooo much more.
learning the agape love is harder once one has been a jw, we learn to hate the sinner, even tho we had to knock on his door with "good news"
the good news is Jesus died for ALL of us, the new testament is for all believers
ahh, but i ramble on and on
thanks for letting me............ -
Have a Happy Day - Whatever.....
by waiting inhey y'all,.
for whatever reason we find ourselves not working on this upcoming monday - have a good one, ok?.
i cannot bring myself to utter the words "merry christmas" just too foreign.
well...it's my birthday!!!!! 12-25....and i love being able to get presents. my mom became a jdub when i was in 5th grade..one year xmas and birthday..the next was back of the class jw freak
school was a nightmare for me.
but praise GOD, i'm back in the swing of things and have not even a twittle of guilt!!
i even raised my kids without christmas..i was a fence sitter for a long time
now we get together and exchange gifts, do the tree thing even( i always loved the lights)
however, if it is displeasing to my LORD to have the tree, i will stop having one. but the joy of realizing that jesus is the reason for the season and what he did for us, gives this time of year new meaning for me!!!
i cannot even begin to explain the joy of knowing my LORD the way i do know, he really does love us..even the dubbers and "gasp" .........katliks!!! -
new here..want to say hi
by crittersitter injust want to say hello, am so glad to find others like myself, no longer a jw, but still lovin god in spite of being killed in armageddon, and having family shun me.
when i was a party girl and had no spiritual desires, there was always a chance that i'd "see the light" and go back to jdub land, but since i have become a (dare i say it???)......
a plain old gospel reading christain...i am lower than dirt..apostate scum...buzzard snack(when jehovah kills me during the trib).
hi rr
uhhhh...that went over my head....
i'm gonna build my house out of ABS plastic....!!!! -
the remnant
by larc ini gave stats under jw decline, but i forgot one.
during the last ten years, the number of the remnant has not changed, which means that as fast they die, they are being replaced with nebies.
couple possibilities:.
perhaps the number 144,000 keeps people in expectation of just that number...maybe the reason so many partake in secret or in public is because of the falsity of that limited calling to heaven...GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!!!
i remember an old old sister in my childhood who only came to the memorial and had to be set in a chaise lounge.. she partook....but i'll bet she didn't go out banging on doors much!
so the jw teaching of only a limited number to heaven really is a false teaching judging by the numbers of partakers....... -
new here..want to say hi
by crittersitter injust want to say hello, am so glad to find others like myself, no longer a jw, but still lovin god in spite of being killed in armageddon, and having family shun me.
when i was a party girl and had no spiritual desires, there was always a chance that i'd "see the light" and go back to jdub land, but since i have become a (dare i say it???)......
a plain old gospel reading christain...i am lower than dirt..apostate scum...buzzard snack(when jehovah kills me during the trib).
just want to say hello, am so glad to find others like myself, no longer a jw, but still lovin GOD in spite of being killed in armageddon, and having family shun me. when i was a party girl and had no spiritual desires, there was always a chance that i'd "see the light" and go back to jdub land, but since i have become a (dare i say it???)...... a plain old gospel reading christain...i am lower than dirt..apostate scum...buzzard snack(when jehovah kills me during the trib)
how come i feel so dog-gone happy and free???Edited by - crittersitter on 26 December 2000 17:23:7
Edited by - crittersitter on 26 December 2000 17:23:58