!@#$%^&* those are all my curse words for you.
Anyway I'm not gonna waste my time to debate an idiot
who thinks 90% of WWII was won at an invasion of
a !@#$%^&* beach. It is at the end of your first paragraph
in ( ) .
I will spend a minute on the greats though, McArthur
was so great he got his ass fired. DeGaulle was great
AFTER the war. Ike sent 1000's upon 1000's of boys
to sluaghter on that faithful invasion greatness my ass.
If he was so great he would have lead the invasion oh
no couldn't do that they were all going to die and
HE KNEW IT. Roosevelt was a slicker pol then even
Clinton was. He was great a being a !@#$%^& con artist
He was elected 4 times Clinton couldn't tie his shoes.
Oh all these socialist programs your crying about more
than half were started by that GREAT GUY of yours.
I said nothing of Chamberland--Churchill was the great
one. I will give you hitler though he was great but in a bad
way. As Seeker said I to will agree with you on the U.S.
decline, aided by one of your greats Roosevelt.
I do believe most of the world see's us as facist we fit
the definition if your on the out side looking in, of
course your probably sitting on the toilet with the door closed.
Hope you found your bird, thats 90% of the peace you'll
have tonight.