To answer the question, no I would definitely not join in any such thing. I'm a big religious freedom man, so I would not support the oppresion of any religious group, be they the large and powerful Catholic church, the sometimes oppresive Islamic faith, or the tiny groups like the JW's. I'm also a big believer in separation of church and state, and the most likely reason you would see such a horrendous thing happen is if a particular church has too much power in a government. Imagine the horror we would live under if JW's had control over political policies! (Failure to spend 10 hours a month in field service would get you community service... which would consist of the preaching work!)
The JW scenario of government turning against religion seems highly unlikely. Since most citizens are either religiously inclined or supportive of religious freedom, a government taking action against all religions would no doubt draw an enormous backlash against the government. Seeing how as each generation passes religion becomes more of an irrelevant issue, it's hard to see how the major world powers would get all worked up over "Babylon the Great". A good example is the war the U.S. is engaged in. Though some extremist believe that this is a war against their religion, any level minded person knows religion is an after thought. (Most)Nations simply don't care enough about religion to start an apocalyptic war about it. And then of course, they'll all try to persecute the JW's. Yeah, people hate the religion that much they'll save them for last! So funny.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!