JoinedTopics Started by leftbelow
Update on the letters and whatnot
by unique1 inok, so i sent the elders a baptism nullification letter.
i had been holding off until i found out they had print outs of my myspace blogs where i dissed my former religion.
i sent it certified nearly two weeks ago and no one has bothered to pick it up from the post office even though notice was left.
I just wanted to say thanks
by leftbelow ini don't post alot but i read alot and because of my situation i can't really devulge much about myself (i could tell some really good stories to).
but i just wanted to say thanks to those who do share because it really helps and i would hate to forget anyone so i won't list all those who i feel like i have come to know thru your post and who have been a real encourgement to me.
is crumpet still out there?
The Worst Public Talk Ever
by onesong inwhat was the absolute worst pt you had to sit thru?.
i was thinking that for me the worst outline is "get a firm hold on the real life".
yes a life constricted by endless and ever changing rules, burdened by guilt, fear and obligation, and all the while hoping for an empty promise has got to be the "real life"
Hello Everyone
by FallenOne inlong time lerker, first time poster here :d for years i have been dissolutioned with being a jw.
i stopped going 2 years ago.
i got married to my wonder jw wife 1 year ago.
listing of authorities and their date for the fall of Jerusalem
by M.J. insorry if this has been posted before.
i came across it and thought it was worth pointing out: http://members.tripod.com/sosoutreach/wts/607.html.
(edited) the annoying popup caused me to cut and paste the table from the page, rather than embed it: the narrative before and after is good too so you might want to check it out the original page.
In a few sentances, why did you leave the truth?........
by jambon1 inif you had to write down just a few sentances about why you left the truth, what would you say?.......
wholeheartedly embraced it for a few years after love bombing etc then saw widespread hypocrisy.
by unique1 inas you all know by now, my parents effectively shunned me for a week with the exception of one hurtful email seen at the following.
yesterday they call and trying to be the good daughter that i feel i am, i answered.
Welcome to the nervous but clearly sweet and warm Leftbelow!
by Crumpet ini just caught a new first posting by leftbelow and wanted to be the first to welcome them and comment on how nice and unselfish their first post was (on unique1's thread).
however the listener got in first so i shall be the second!.
welcome leftbelow - don't be nervous - you are among a cool crowd who are interested in what you have to say and think.
My letter to the Elders
by unique1 init has been acomplished...... just couldn't resist saying that, no sacriledge intended.
i had my baptism nullification letter notarized.
i am attaching my letter to the elders for those who are interested.
SO MAD, HURT, Crying at WORK
by unique1 indamn her!!!
ok, sorry, i have to let some of this out before i start crying at my desk again.
my mom and dad told me that they would stop talking to me.