What are you implying Besty?
Posts by Clam
Yes they've just said that on BBC 6 pm news too!
A married man suspected of being Britain's most prolific sex attacker was being held by police last night.
Father-of-seven Delroy Grant, the alleged 'Night Stalker', was arrested early yesterday following a surveillance operation.
The 52-year-old is a full-time carer for his wife, who has multiple sclerosis and has been confined to a wheelchair for the past five years.
He was being questioned about 200 rapes, sex attacks and burglaries in South London since 1990.
Almost all of the victims were elderly women.
Neighbours said his wife Jennifer was a Jehovah's Witness who goes from house to house with her husband to attract more followers. It was not clear whether he is also a Jehovah's Witness.
Source - Daily Mail http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/news8493.html
Signs of Being Controled by Satan
by Satanus inone of the major ones is not believing in satan.
so, if you don't believe in satan, chances are about 100% that he controls you.
if you do believe in him, you chances go down to about 50%;).
not owning and regularly wearing suits and ties.
Bigfoot carcass found by a police officer?
by chrisjoel inwww.fayettedailynews.com/article.php?id_news=1832
Here's some excellent footage of a bigfoot caught on tape. . .
It gives me chills
by net1261 inso i've been out of jw's about a year.
i've done a lot of research since then etc.
but just in the past month or so i cannot look at wt publications.
Yes I know what you mean net1261. When I see a mag or a book at one of my JW relative's homes, it makes me cringe.
Rogue Sentences Ruining Good Stories
by Clam injust been pondering how rogue sentences could change everything.. for example:.
"thanks eve but i don't really like apples.".
"fight forest fight!".
Just been pondering how rogue sentences could change everything.
For example:
"Thanks Eve but I don't really like apples."
"Fight Forest Fight!"
"Frankly my dear, I think we can get over this, maybe we should try counselling?"
"ET Stay here."
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into the one up the street and I go and miss her."
Anyone think of any?
So, let's say I am JW vampire...
by outofthebox inlet's say i am a vampire that becomes a jw.
i can feed on blood fractions right?
i already live forever in earth.
Vampires would fit in well with other "undead" found in various Halls imho.
Maybe Noah asked them to lay off the wood in the superstructure for 40 days on the promise that they could eat the ark when it was no longer required?
Similar deals may have been struck with other wood oriented creatures, eg beavers, termites, death watch beetles etc.
The Exorcist
by Colton inhow many here have seen the film (or read the book) the exorcist?
did you watch it when you were a jehovah's witness?
did it scare you?.
I've seen it quite a few times and although I find it quite compelling viewing I can't say I find it too scary. I think it was the revolving head that took the edge off its believability for me.
As a Dub I wouldn't have dared watch it. There was a buzz around my hall at the time about it, with the usual double pronged message of it being an endorsement of demon possession whilst being forbidden to us to see. Although I think if I'd seen it when a Dub, it would probably have strengthened my beliefs.
Predator movie Trivia - Van Damme played the Predator alien opposite Arnie!
by Witness 007 injust watched the special addition and found out the jaun cluade van damme was the original predator alien????
his character was supposed to be a "kung-fu alien" but his costume was so hot to work in he complained constantly of passing out in it!
also his costume was clumsy...looks like a duck with weird feet.
Wow didn't know it was Van damme in there.
Thought the last AVP movie was a real let down. Are they making another one?