Very interesting. I sometimes imagine a universal intelligence which contains in itself both good and evil. The idea of God and Satan being one and the same fits quite well with this.
Posts by Clam
God Or Satan?
by Lloyd Braun inhere's an interesting question about "satan" and "god".
recently, i have been studying some material that suggests that "satan" in the hebrew is never defined as a rebellious angel, that only comes in revelation (greek) later.
in the ot, satan and yhwh are the same being in certain circumstances.
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
Yes just heard this on National BBC Radio News (millions of listeners).
He was described as "a Jehovahs Witness Minister."
Yes this will drag out the publicity, tarnish the name of the Dubs even further, and hopefully down the line he'll get the custodial sentence he deserves.
What is Armageddon then????
by The Scotsman inhi folks.
as many of you will know i am having serious doubts regarding many of the jw teachings and doing some research myself, very enlightening.. my point - .
the bible clearly mentions armageddon, a destructive event, gods war.. jws believe this will happen soon and destroy all the wicked but let the righteous remain.
Actually the book of Revelation, a 1st-century Jewish-Christian apocalyptic fantasy about the expected end of the Roman empire, which happened (after much debate) to be accepted and set at the end of the Christian Bible, and for that reason has been misread ever since as the ultimate "cryptic revelation" (how's that for an oxymoron?) about an ever-postponed future.
So brilliantly and succinctly put.
LOL - over and out!
Help ! Two of my boys (13 and 10) want to become publisher
by Ancientofdays ini know this day would have arrived , sooner or later.. .
i'm inactive from 1 year now, and i go to the meeting just sometime on the sunday.. but my wife is in a very well standing , and the kids are following her at meeting and service field.. .
yesteray evening my wife told me that my 2 boys asked the elder to become publisher.. they are 13 and 10 age.. the elder was very polite , and ask my wife to have my opinion regarding this.. i'm going to talk the oldest boy (not taking in consideration the 10 yrs old one).. i would like not to be so drastic and not offend him, but i have to start some point to tell him some truth regarding this organization .. any suggestion ?.
The elder was very polite , and ask my wife to have my opinion regarding this.
Maybe you could write him a letter about how you actually feel. You could say that you don't believe that they are old enough to make such a decision and that you don't agree with children being baptised; after all even Jesus waited until he was thirty. You could also say that you've heard that once baptised they would have to follow a strict code and could, during the dangerous teen years fall foul of the JC. This could result in DFing and shunning. You're concerned over the future possible consequences for your family. No need to get the elder's back up.You could disguise a steel fist in a velvet glove so to speak. Dialogue may change the picture.
Did cavemen exist before CREATION?
by Fisherman injesus certified "creation" when he said .."male and female he created them.." and so does the bible.
the fossil record though shows primitive man, homo erectus, etc were around before bible chronology creation of adam and eve.
can this conflict be reconciled?
Ricky Gervais clarifies matters . . .
CANADA-another ELDER PEDO 9-18-07
by DannyHaszard inthere are so many jehovah' s witnesses elder pedophile cases,that i now must collate by case dates this is case 9-18-07 just up!
prominently placed on the jehovah's witnesses news wire church elder pleads guilty in sex court case.
980 cjme news talk radio, canada -7 hours ago.
For the last five years Willick, fought the charges, saying the girl was a willing partner.
This is a bizarre statement. Does this mean that under local law he had a valid defence if the child supposedly consented?
When will this ever end?
It won't. Not only is the organisation riddled with paedophiles, but for "wordly" paedophiles this religion must look like a good option, ie easy access to kids. Disgusting.
Would You Be Disturbed If A Strip Club Opened Up In Your Area???
by undercover inkeeping in the vein of minimus' question about would you feel about a strip club in your neighborhood or adjacent to it?.
me personally, i have no objection.
just means a shorter drive....
If a strip club and a casino opened up in my area and Minimus also moved into the house across the road I'd be fine about it. Just no Kingdom Halls please.
Guys have pretty simple needs. They just want to be really really close to someone who will leave them alone.
Too true Square Head.
Why do I want a real live one when the blow up performs her function in a superior fashion? ha ha ha ha ha hahhahhahah
JD don't you get fed up of having to keep on emptying the blow up ones? ;0)