Understandable how this mistake was made. The new service report this year is very late. Surely someone must have the full report from the 2014 yearbook
Posts by alanv
2013 Memorial Partakers - 12,604
by nicolaou inyep, the 2014 yearbook is available now folks.
have fun!
by NAVYTOWN ina good question to ask a jw is: do you follow what the bible teaches or what the watchtower organization says?
then ask them to give you just one example of a doctrine in the bible, that they have ascertained through their individual bible study, that is different from what is taught by the watchtower.
of course, they cannot honestly answer without admitting that they do in fact follow the watchtower and not the actual bible.
Most would say that it was Jehovah's Witnesses that got them interested in the bible, so any doctine found in the bible is taught by them.
Need help from JW History Buffs
by ILoveTTATT ini need help with writing an article regarding vaccinations, organ transplants, and blood transfusions.. i am doing my research using limited amounts of non-wt sources and mostly just the actual wt literature.. what i am having a hard time understanding is:.
most of the articles in the golden age, at least at the beginning of the anti-vaccination stance, are actually written by contributors.
since there are very pro-vaccination articles and then lots of anti-vaccination articles, how can i determine the actual wt viewpoint on vaccinations?.
The Golden Age 1931, February 4 issue devoted 10 pages to why vaccinations were not for Christians. The index page to the 1931 article claimed this as the viewpoint of the Creator.
Does not get much clearer than that..
February 2014 Kingdom Ministry (KM - 02/2014 PDF)
by WatchTower87 innews!!!.
http://adf.ly/aggvc km - 02/2014 pdf.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
When engaging in public witnessing using a table or a
cart, publishers should not display Bibles. However, they may
have Bibles available to offer to individuals who request one
or who demonstrate sincere interest in the truth.What's all that about?
Does this Site get more Newbies than WTS gets Baptisms?
by skeeter1 injust wondering on whether jwn gets more newbies that the wts gets bapstisms?
are there any statistics?.
this site's newbies usually lurk for a month or two, with no interaction with us.
Watchtower has plenty of baptisms. Trouble is as they come in the front door two thirds of the rest go out the back door lol
Sneaky introduction advice from Dec KM
by Splash init says on page 1 par.
3 in the q&a item.
"where people belong to a non-christian religion, or to no religion at all, it may be better to mention the bible on a return visit, rather than at the outset.
Ray Franz the ex governing body member said that when missionaries were sent to new lands who had several different religions, they should start of with the 'Christian religions', presumabily because it would be a lot easier to convert them.
I found a new FB/YouTube group and this lady knocked me out she's good
by RayPublisher ini found a new fb/youtube group and this lady knocked me out she's good.
in this video there's a snippet that is priceless.
make sure you watch up through the montage starting at 21:30!
Totally agree this lady is a good speaker, but it really is no good showing all the mistakes that Charles Russell made. Since last October the society have openly stated that Russell was not being used as God's channel of communication. They say he was a keen bible student and got many things right. But they will also now admit he got many things wrong, which is fine in their book because he was not chosen or used by God to dispense spiritual truths.
I think too if you were to ask someone high up in the organisation, they would say that spirit directed means that JWs use the spirit inspired bible as their guide. It's like I once asked a circuit Overseer, how are the elders said to be appointed by holy spirit, and the answer was because they meet the requirements laid out in the bible. So no invisable force helping them just the fact the bible was written by men guided by God
Number of anointed partakers in new yearbook?
by JWOP ini haven't seen the 2014 yearbook on the jw site yet.
i'm looking to see if the number of partakers has increased again (as it has for many years now).
anyone have a scan of it yet?.
The thing is, the gov body have it covered now if it does go up. They openly say there could be ones who partake who do not fully understand what it means, and that it does not matter if it goes up or down. God knows who the real annointed are!
JW morale reaching new low
by kneehighmiah inmany friends i've spoken with are becoming discouraged.
because of this it's becoming tempting to privately share my views with friends, but i know this is still too dangerous.
most witnesses in my circle are intelligent free thinkers.
If we are talking about the overlapping generation, surely that is not new, and has been previously discussed in the Watchtower.
I sent my DA letter in yesterday.
by quellycatface infeel like i've been in a car accident and i'm on the road to recovery....i wonder what will happen next??
my husband, (non jw) says he would'nt be surprised if they df'd me as one or two elders are quite spiteful.
can they can't fire me cos i quit, surely??.
They probably like it more when someone disassociates themselves, because there is no doubt then that the individual does not want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses any more, and that is what is read out at the kingdom hall.