jwsurvey just did an article where it lists various committees that the governing body are on.
a genuine question really.. do they actually make desicions or are they simple sock puppets for the lawyers?.
are they just a front (like the queen is in the uk), with little or no desicion making input?.
do they just give talks and make appearances?.
jwsurvey just did an article where it lists various committees that the governing body are on.
the governing body doesn't use the 2/3 majority vote,right?
at least not for the appointment of its members?
(sorry if this is already clear and has been discussed already).
It was Ray Franz, an ex governing body member in his book Crisis of Conscience that told us about their two thirds majority rule. It was applied to importandt descisions like doctrinal change. It may be the same now or it may well be unanimous vote note. Maybe someone else can tell us.
i've just been informed by a jw apologist that regarding the 2 witness rule in cases of child abuse, the child himself counts as 1 of the witnesses.
he also stated that if 2 children complain about abuse seperately, the 2 children then count as 2 witnesses.. any thoughts please?.
Hi Shirley this is where the rule comes from.
The Watchtower Society use the scripture found in Deuteronomy chapter 9, verse 15, which says “No single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or any sin, in the case of any sin that he may commit. At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good.” They also like to use the scriptures in Matthew chapter 18, verses 15 and 16, which say “Moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. (16) But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, in order that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established.”
However this certainly does not work with sexual abuse as there are hardly any times when the abuse is actually witnessed by anyone.
there is a thread on jwtalk suggesting that the latest hall designs do not feature a literature desk.
the dubs will pick up gear from a self serve kiosk in the hall, just enough for their immediate needs.. time will tell if this is true but if so then it relfects the reducing emphasis on printed material.
also, i think there is another by product.
I thought the idea was that witnesses would give a donation for literature taken. So I wander if they will have a donation box next to the literature or if they just trust witnesses to put money in the box at the back of the hall
dear brothers:.
re: personal literature supply.
reducing existing stock at the branch office before the revisions are released.
They are doing nothing that any other good business would do. In the past they know milions of magazines just got thrown away. This is a tremendous waste of paper, ink and time. Also they are probably aware of the claim against them that much of their literature is just thrown away, so they are trying to address that point.
worldwide, child mortality has plunged remarkably...................because of the success of human efforts !.
"worse and worse" yup, yup, yup..... .
We truly are living in amazing times. So many improvements in world health. All a JW can say now is 'ah yes but you cant live forever can you?' Whereas just 30 years ago when I was a reg pioneer there were so many things that we could use that showed the apparent end was near.
This report does mention blood and Jehovah's Witnesses. Nothing confirmed yet though
it's no secret that the wtbts has a cash flow problem.
over the past three years they have closed 20 of their 116 branches.
they have sold off most of their properties in and around ny (including some kingdom halls), drastically reduced the # of printed pages for the watchtower and awake magazines, reduced the printing of books and other materials, increased the number of single page tract campagnes, installed cc machines at their assembly halls, and are now seizing of controll of property assets from local kingdom halls using renovation projects.
I dont think they are fudging the numbers. Although they certainly put a spin on any bad figures they publish. The problem I think is that most of their increase these days come from the poorer areas of the world. That is the reason they want witnesses in the richer countries to pay a set amount forever each month if they are currently buying a kingdom hall. The extra money will help pay for halls in the poorer lands.
most random people who knock on the door politely introduce themselves when you open the door.. for example "hello, i'm derick from unicef and i'm looking for donations blah blah blah".
now annoying as it may be for some at least he had the courtesy to introduce himself.. why don't jw's do this?
is it because they are embarressed or perhaps they know you won't take their literature if they do?.
We were encouraged to say we were bible students in the service meeting when I was a JW. For the reason that saying we were JWs, people would not give us a chance to say our piece.
there is great enthusiasm in many congregations in regard to the wonderful new way to sit around wasting time in the "ministry".
so much easier than trotting from door to door.
however, some who set up the literature/jw.org carts have noticed a disturbing phenomena:.
I know certainly in UK, folks will take a wide path away from anybody who wants to impede their progress. There are plenty like JWs hanging around street corners so we are well used to avoiding them.