Posts by alanv
The smug arrogance of "having the truth".
by stuckinarut2 inhas anyone noticed that witnesses (from the top down) seem to have a quiet form of smug arrogance toward all non witnesses?.
perhaps it comes from being told how "special and unique" they are but they end up looking down on all normal members of the community because they are not witnesses.. so any form of "love" they show those in the territory is also limited as long as they accept the message...otherwise they are viewed contemptuously as "worldly" and therefore of little value...after all,they will be destroyed right?.
I was a witness for over 25 years. I was very smug, I admit it and I am now very ashamed of the attitude I had then. It didnt matter what news came on the tv, I would just smile and say, it just shows how God needs to destroy all the bad things on earth. Same with meeting people on the doors. Most people did not want to talk, so I just smugly thought it will be their funeral.Link +9 / -0 -
by megabyte_vijay init is strange to read the last week watchtower that encouraging child/teenagers' baptism.
even jesus was baptised as his 30. jws encouraging marriages at an older age.
but why they are encouraging children to get baptised.
by Schilderijtje inwe are two students from holland, who would like some information about jehovah witnesses.
especially about the invisible return of jesus.
on which bible scripts do you ground this?
Prince again (sorry) and possible blood Issue
by anglise in
also part quote below.
prince was believed to have been in need of a double hip replacement, an operation he rejected because it would have required him to accept a blood transfusion, which conflicted with his beliefs as jehovah’s witness.. .
Also this was stated.
On Wednesday, an administrator was appointed to oversee Prince’s estate. The singer died without leaving a will, and on Tuesday his sister, Tyka Nelson, asked the Carver County probate court in Minneapolis to appoint Bremer Bank, National Association to handle the estate, saying it “has provided financial services to the Decedent for a number of years and has knowledge of his personal financial and business financial affairs”.
Hopefully that means JWs wont get any sizeable part of his estate.
Link +2 / -0 -
Fed up with Prince? try: Un petit blog de France
by Half banana ini have just spent ten days working in france, i arrived late on friday night and the first thing saturday morning two visitors ominously strolled into my garden..
i was offered the flimsy awake which i opened and was immediately struck with a very false image.
the article gave the feel that the magazine was scientifically credible.
Good account. They just do not have answers to people these days.
I just had two JW women to the door. So funny. They started off very politely. Then I told them I used to be a witness, and they asked if I was disfellowshipped. I told them I just walked away from the religion when I found out it had misled for me years. They asked me how, and I brought up the last days. They started the normal JW line about how things have never been so bad. So I responded telling them that actually if they check, they will find that we are living in one of the best times in human history, and gave them some examples, one being the relative world peace since the end of world war two.
Immediately they replied with the scripture that says about peace and security just before the end.
So we went from the worst time in history to we are living at a time when there is relative peace and security on the earth.
I laughed and pointed out they cant have it both ways. With that they decided it was time to go, and even when I said they should be willing to defend their faith, they couldn't get away from me fast enough.Link +4 / -0 -
Watchtower set for its biggest pay day, ever.
by pleaseresearch inif this is true, and we will have to wait and see.
prince could give everything to the watchtower.
so that's his $300 million fortune.
Just found this. Lets hope it is true.
How do you like me now?
by eyeuse2badub inreport in the news today that prince is leaving a large portion of his fortune to the watchtower.
bet the gb loves prince now and his 'questionable' music!.
just sayingeyeuse2badub.
To Continue the Theme of All Things Prince ... The Dirty Songs List
by Wild_Thing inlink is here.. line outapr 18, 2013. .
"an incomplete and disorderly catalog of prince's dirty songs".
by kelly o. .
How Many Elders And Ministerial Servants Are There In Your Congregation?
by Village Idiot ini'm curious to see how much manpower a little congregation - a hundred?
- requires to keep it running.
Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement
by truthseekeriam in"we are saddened to hear about the death of prince rogers nelson, who was baptized as one of jehovah’s witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by people.
the church said that prince "found fulfillment as a witness and in sharing his faith with others.